Chapter Seven: From Isolation to Liberation

718 Words
After parting ways with my brother, I reached out to my closest human best friend, Bethany. "Hey girl, I've officially landed my internship. How about you?" I inquired. Bethany's sigh conveyed her discontent. "Yeah, I got one, but it's at my dad's firm." My laughter rang out. "Same here! But look on the bright side, it gets us one step closer to graduation next year. Cheer up! Let's hit a party to celebrate. Be ready by 8:30 P.M. I'm coming to pick you up in my car." Bethany's enthusiasm picked up. "Woohoo! I'm so ready to let loose on the dance floor! Are we grabbing Charmayne too? What about the guys?" "Absolutely, Charmayne is in. The guys, however, can find their own way to Lupo Mannaro. Give everyone a ring, and then let's kick this party into gear!" Bethany had been instrumental in coaxing me out of my self-imposed isolation back in college. I shed my hoodie and began embracing life, going out once a week, all while ensuring my grades never slipped from excellence. While rifling through my wardrobe, I pulled out a trio of dresses: one red, one black, and a golden Grecian halter dress. With a smile, I knew tonight the Grecian dress would be my choice. I adored the reactions I elicited at human gatherings. To them, I was an ethereal Greek Goddess. We wolves are naturally striking, and I, without false modesty, am no less so. It had taken years, but I had stopped concealing my beauty; I learned to embrace it. That evening, I was on cloud nine. I had duped my mate and was on track to intern alongside my brother. Life couldn't be more perfect. Fresh from a shower, I wrapped myself in a Velcro towel and sat before the vanity, reaching for my hair dryer. My wavy hair, with curls kissing the tips, cascaded down my back. After a thorough blow-dry and some additional curls from the iron, it was a billowing mane that nearly reached my waist. Dressed in the glimmering Grecian gown that stopped just above the knees, I slipped on golden stilettos, grabbed my keys, and strolled toward the elevator that descended to the garage where my beloved car awaited. As an Alpha Wolf, fear was foreign to me. Moreover, my father's insistence on protective details was reassuring, especially after a close encounter with an inebriated werewolf. All dolled up, Charmayne and Stephanie were equally stunning. We relished our long legs, strutting confidently to the tune of that old song my mother loved, which had, unofficially, become our anthem. “ZZ TOPS You Got Legs” Arriving at the club, the guys had already arranged a private room for us. This wasn't just a club; it was an upscale human spot with multi-tiered dance floors. Our room, with its one-way visibility, ensured privacy and a view. Opting for the stairs over the elevator, we preferred to flaunt ourselves, bypassing any unwanted enclosed elevator encounters with overzealous men. We warmed up in our secluded space, allowing the flow of drinks to usher us gently toward inebriation. For me, reaching a state of tipsiness required a potent werewolf-worthy beverage. Not wanting to burden my friends with this knowledge, I discreetly requested a special mix from the werewolf bartender. He obliged and made a pass at me, which I politely declined, leaving a generous tip to show my gratitude for the strong concoction. The bartender knew I was a She-Wolf; I'd forgotten my concealing spray. Rejoining my friends, a shiver ran down my spine, a threatening intuition I dismissed to focus on the night's enjoyment. Our male companions were essentially buffers, warding off any unwanted attention, taking pride in accompanying us no strings attached, a fitting arrangement for all. Unbeknownst to me, a lurker with nefarious intentions watched from above. As the owner of this human haven, he silently relished the unexpected appearance of Alpha's daughter, his long-sought prize. I could smell the Alpha wolf on him, and danced with him, as not to offend an Alpha in his own establishment. However, while dancing with said Alpha, before I could react, his accomplice incapacitated me with a wolfsbane-laced sedative injected into my neck, darkness took over me and I collapsed into the stranger's arms, oblivious to my awaiting fate.
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