Chapter 1

1206 Words
" My name is Delilah Hale , I'm thirteen ears old . My name is Delilah hale , I'm thirteen years old . " Delilah kept on chanting softly as she sat in the dark corner of the locked room . Delilah was shivering and not from the cold , but from fear . Her life wasn't always like this , she was a happy girl when her parents still lived . — FOUR YEARS AGO — Delilah was happily asleep one night and on this night she was ripped out of the comfort of her soft and warm bed that were filled with stuffed animals . She was dragged to the living room by her ankles by an unknown person , she was screaming , tears were running down her face as she tried to grip the corners in the house to hold on for dear life . She had a will to fight and he saw that . She was tied to a chair and the vile men made her look at her parents as they shot them in the head , her wrists burning from the rope that was tightly tied around her arms . Her loving and caring parents were shot dead in front of her , their lifeless bodies laying on the floor , blood pooling around them . " Shall we kill her too , sir ? " A man's voice asks , the voice was deep and cold , like ice . A gun was pointed against her head , the tears were streaming down her face as her lip quivered , her eyes were tightly shut from fear . " No , I want her , for myself . She would be the perfect little servant . " Another man said and the gun was lowered from her head . A breath of relief escaping her pink trembling lips and her eyes opened as the hard metal was moved away from her head . A young man bent down in front of her , he was handsome , but she could see the evil in his cold icy blue eyes that were slightly covered by his wavy dark brown hair , he was not a friendly one , at all and she knew it . They untied her from the chair , the one man smacked her through the face and she fell off of the chair , hitting the cold and hard tiled floor . He dragged her outside by her hair , throwing her into the trunk of the car before driving away to the unknown place she would probably call hell . The vile memory forever staying in her mind how her parents were killed in front of her , it was her nightmare almost each and every night for the rest of the four years . — NOW — Delilah silently sat in the corner of the small room she slept in , fear rushing through her body as she waited for someone to come , she never knew whom would be coming to collect her for her daily duties , that's right , she was , since nine years old , a servant for the vile man . They call him Sir , but Delilah heard his wife , the only person he is nice to , call him Deucalion . ' What an awful name , his mother probably did not like him very much . ' Delilah thought when she heard it . Seth , Deucalion's Son , walked into the room , he wasn't much older , just two years . He was turning fifteen this year and he is a big bully , yet he did not dare hurt Delilah in front of his father , Deucalion saw Delilah as his little trophy , but made her work like a filthy servant as he did not want her to think she was that important for his pride . " Come on useless , my father summons you . " Seth said . Delilah slowly stood up and walked to the door , her head down as she watched her footsteps . Seth gazed at her , not wanting to make it obvious that he is looking at her and he tripped her as she walked past him . " Just remember you are nothing , useless . " He bent down and whispered in her ear as she slowly got up . Delilah tried to shake off Seth's hurtful name calling and rude remarks , but truth is , she just missed her mother and wanted to go home . Delilah followed Seth through the large house , it had long hallways , three story house and an attic . Delilah did not dare to talk back to Seth , he always had a way to punish her without anyone knowing when she talked back to the little s**t . " In there . " Seth announced as he pointed at the big wooden door which led to Deucalion's office . Delilah felt shivers all over her body as she lifted her hand and knocked on the door . " Come in . " Deucalion announced and Delilah gulped down the lump in her throat , this is almost every day's routine and she loathes it , it feels like she is walking into her own grave each and every single day . Delilah slowly opens the door with her head down , her eyes glued to the floor and she closes the door behind her . " Good morning , sir . " She mumbled as she curtsied for Deucalion , he liked to be treated like a real king . " Morning Delilah . " He said . He wasn't unreasonable and didn't treat her badly unless she did something in the wrong way or when she is around at the wrong time . He seemed relaxed in the mornings , but he was at his worst when he drank . He would drink every weekend and sometimes he would go and look for her , she has found a safe place in the attic and the next morning he forgot everything from the night before . " Make me breakfast and coffee . " Deucalion demands and Delilah nodded her head , " Yes sir . " She mumbled and turned around to leave . She froze as Deucalion slammed his hand down onto the wooden desk , " Did I say you can leave ? " He bellowed and Delilah slowly turned back around , " No sir , I apologise sir . " She muttered quickly , her hands starting to shake as fear rushed through her body . " When you are done making breakfast and coffee , bring it here and then come polish my shoes . I have a meeting so make it snappy . " He demands , " Yes sir . " Delilah muttered and Deucalion looked her up and down , thinking how she looks just like her mother . " Leave . " He announced and Delilah whipped around and practically ran out of his office .
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