Chapter 15

1486 Words
Delilah was standing with the lady at her front desk , getting her classes roster for the following week . Emma walked into the room , smiling with curiosity . Delilah turned around when she heard the doors , smiling widely back at Emma . " I got in !" Delilah squealed in excitement and Emma clapped her hands together as she walked over to Delilah . " That's great ! You are now a freshman !" Emma said as she helped Delilah carry her books she had just received . " We will just put these in the trunk of my car . " Emma smiled as they walked out of the office together . " Emma . " Delilah called her . " Yeah ? " " Do you think I will fit in here ? " Delilah asks , the fear of high school repeating itself was -- a lot . " When you stick with me , yes . " Emma smirks as they pack the books neatly across the trunk . " Thanks , for taking me in . " Delilah smiled . " Thank you for cleaning my house . " Emma smiled . Delilah kind of frowned , ' What will the people think when they find that out ? They would probably see me as her maid . ' she sighed . " You aren't going to tell everyone that I stay with you because I clean your house , right ? " Delilah carefully ask . Emma scoffs at her , shaking her head sideways . " Of course not silly . I don't want people to think you are my maid . Just say you are a very clean person . That fixes it . " She shrugs as they drive to the mall . " That's smart . " Delilah nods her head up and down . " I know . " Emma smiles . Emma parks in the underground parking area , closest to the stores with the best clothing . -- " Emma , this is a lot . " Delilah says as she watched Emma pay for a lot of clothes that are all just for Delilah . " Hush , after you get paid , you can continue to buy your own clothing , but this is what you need to look hot on campus . " Emma says as she pays . After the long morning of shopping , Emma and Delilah grabbed McDonald's on their way home . " After we are done eating , we need to wash that clothes and then we can just throw it in the dryer to dry it . " Emma says as she takes a big bite of her chicken big mac burger . " Why ? " Delilah asks confused as she thought these were brand new clothes . " Well people have germs and a lot of people try the clothes on , or touch it . So I prefer it to be clean , I thought you would want to , too . " Emma shrugged . " Oh hell yes . " Delilah shivered as she thought of people's germs . She was a slave in the Keller's house , but she never lived in a dirty environment . -- Delilah folded her brand new clothes as she took them out of the tumble dryer , smiling brightly as she thought of her new job . She can clean , cook and serve so this would probably be the best job for her to do . " Need help getting ready for work ? " Emma asks as she pops her head into the washing room . " No .. Yes .. I don't know . What do you think I should wear ? " Delilah asks . " A black jean . " Emma shrugged and Delilah nods her head up and down . " With sneakers ? " Delilah asks . " Would probably work out the best . " Emma shrugged . " Okay , thanks . " Delilah smiled as she picked up her basket filled with new clothes and walked to her room to get changed for work . Delilah looked herself over in the full length mirror , slowly nodding as she felt that she looked good . Delilah hopped down the stairs , her hair in a tight ponytail . “You rock that shirt .” Emma tells her . “Thanks .” Delilah shyly thanked her . “Need a ride ?” Chase asks Delilah . “Kinda , but I can also take a bus ?” Delilah suggests and Emma begins to laugh . “Don’t be silly , I don’t take the bus . It’s on Chase’s way to the guys .” Emma shrugs . “Oh you’re coming with me ? Okay yeah .” Delilah nodded . “Yeah , I’ll pick you both up at 11 when I’m on my way home .” Chase says as he kisses Emma on the cheek . “No drinking then .” Emma warns him , his eyes in slits as she glares . “I know .” Chase chuckles as he throws his keys in the air , catching it again . Chase drives on his way again after dropping them off and the girls walk into Will’s Cafe . “Uncle Will !” Emma greets her uncle with a fist bump . “Hola Emma .” Her uncle greeted her. “This is Delilah .” Emma stood to the side and pointed at Delilah . “Hola Delilah .” He smiled , holding out his fist . Delilah smiled as she softly bumped his fist . “I like this one .” He chuckled . “Me too .” Emma chuckled . “Uncle , I’ll show her around and how to do things .” Emma smiled and showed Delilah around . — “Got it ?” Emma asks as he hands Delilah her apron . “Yeah . I think so .” Delilah smiled . She knew she got it , she has been following orders her whole life . Emma hung around until closing time and showed Delilah how to clean up . “Come on .” Emma said as Chase pulled up in front of the cafe . “Tata uncle !” Emma yelled . “Bye !” He yelled as he shut the lights off . The girls hopped into the truck and Chase kissed Emma hello . “How was it ?” Chase asked Delilah . “It was great . It’s easy .” Delilah shrugged and Emma frowned . “You make it sound like you did this every day .” Emma chuckled . Delilah only laughed as she didn’t really know what to say . “How was your night ?” Emma asks as she casually leans her head against Chase’s arm . “It was fun , we playing pool , smoked , and no , I didn’t drink .” He told her and she rolled her eyes . “You know I don’t mind a beer or two — just no drunk driving .” She shrugged . “I know , but I don’t want to scare your new friend .” He chuckled as he glances back at Delilah through the rear view mirror . Her eyes were in slits as she glared at him , but he knew she was joking as she had a wide smile on her face . “It takes a lot to scare me .” She scoffed as she thought of all the times she has been hit and abused . “Sure .” He chuckled , thinking how petite she was . They got home and Delilah put her things on the couch and cleaned the kitchen . “You don’t have to do that now .” Emma waved it off . “I want to . I’m use to a clean kitchen before going to sleep and it makes it one less thing to do tomorrow . Plus — I’m not that tired .” Delilah shrugged as she quickly washed the few dishes Emma and Chase have made . “Oh there’s a bowl of spaghetti, mince with cheese in the microwave for you .” Emma said before walking up the stairs . Delilah cleaned the kitchen , ate her food and washed her bowl . She felt so stuffed — she has never eaten a whole bowl of food . She felt fat as hell . She crawled up the stairs and went straight to bed .
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