A glimpse from past

2019 Words

"You said we were going somewhere?" Giselle asked Hyun as she looked in front of her not knowing what they were doing in her pack. "Yes, but not with you." He calmly informed her as he walked towards where Zayn lived. Giselle followed him as wanted to ask him something when then realize that the pack looked in chaos. "Hey..." She stopped Nomi who was running towards the pack house. "What happened?" She asked him who stopped and was out of breath. "T h e y... c o u l d... n o t... f i n d... B e l l a. S h e... d i d... n o t... c o m e... t o... p a c k... s i n c e... y e s t e r d a y..." Giselle suddenly remembered about Bella which she totally forgot after finding about the soul inside her. "A l p h a... j o h n... l e f t... w i t h.. f e w... w a r r i o r s." Nomi explained

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