The Mage Queen

2610 Words

Fort Minor- Remember The Name Lily:      My first memory of Cyrilla is of Lucille on her bike. All you Pendragons think the world owes you something, was the first thing she ever said to me. This is where everything changed. Where I found a home for the first time. Where I first met her. I think a part of me needed her when I fled Crystallis. I never tried to track her down. Not because I didn't care, but because she wanted her own space and I want to give everything she's never had. Even if it didn't include me.     "Can I help you?" a little girl asked from the top of the entrance staircase.      "I'm looking for the Headmistress," I smiled at her.     "The office is over there," she pointed behind her. I walked past her. I gripped her smaller hand in mine when she reached for my po

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