2040 Words

"Stivvins' Wharf, Greenhithe. You will accompany me. Bring your note- book. It is not necessary to bring a typewriter. I will arrange for a taxicab. We can do the journey in two hours." "But where are you going?" asked the startled girl. "To Stivvins'. I am going to look at this place. There is a possibility that certain things have been overlooked. Never lose an opportunity, dear old miss. We magnates make our fortune by never ignoring the little things." But still she demurred, being a very sane, intelligent girl, with an imagination which produced no more alluring mental picture than a cold and draughty drive, a colder and draughtier and even more depressing inspection of a ruined factory, and such small matters as a lost lunch. But Bones was out of the room, in the street, had flun

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