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"Upsy, daisy, dear old—young miss, I mean." It was a breathless welcome. She herself was startled by the warmth of it; he, for his part, saw nothing but grey eyes and a perfect mouth, sensed nothing but a delicate fragrance of a godlike presence. "I have come to see you——" she began. "Jolly good of you," said Bones enthusiastically. "You've no idea how fearsomely lonely I get sometimes. I often say to people: 'Look me up, dear old thing, any time between ten and twelve or two and four; don't stand on ceremony——'" "I've come to see you——" she began again. "You're a kind young miss," murmured Bones, and she laughed. "You're not used to having girls in this office, are you?" "You're the first," said Bones, with a dramatic flourish, "that ever burst tiddly-um-te-um!" To be mistaken for

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