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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSIllustration 1. "You borrowed a bit and didn't pay it back. Ah, naughty!" said Bones. Illustration 2. Joe nodded and rose solemnly. Illustration 3. He ruminated again, chewing at his cigar. Illustration 4. He stared at his visitor, choked, went very red, choked again, and fixed his monocle. Illustration 5. "So you got there?" said Bones sympathetically. Illustration 6. In the street they looked at one another, and then beckoned Mr. Staines, who was waiting on the other side of the road. Illustration 7. "The fact remains, dear old miss," he said brokenly, "that I did kiss you in that beastly old private vault. Illustration 8. "Come in!" he roared. Illustration 9. He led the way over a wall to the sacred soil of an Englishman's stately home. Illustration 10. They were talking together, these respectable gentlemen, when Bones began to turn the handle. Illustration 11. Bones stared dumbfounded at a picture of himself. Illustration 12. "My name is Siker," said the visitor. Illustration 13. It was a target which, in Bones's then agitated condition, he could scarcely be expected to resist. Illustration 14. At that moment the light that never went out came on again with extraordinary fierceness. Illustration 15. "Jump!" gasped Bones. "What do you mean? Hey! Don't do that, you silly young—" Illustration 16. He sank into the chair, his head upon his hands, and Bones watched him curiously. Bones in London , Ward Lock & Co., London , 1918 BONES IN LONDON
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