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"This," said he, as they gained the by-road where they had made their unauthorised entry into the park, "is a good day's work." Their car was on the main road, and to Hamilton 's surprise he found the two staid gentlemen regarding it when the party came up. They were regarding it from a high bank behind the wall—a bank which commanded a view of the road. One of them observed the camera and said something in a low tone to the other; then the speaker walked down the bank, opened a little wicker door in the wall, and came out. He was a most polite man, and tactful. "Have you been taking pictures?" he asked. "Dear old fellow," said Bones. "I will not deceive you—we have." There was a silence. "In the—park, by any chance?" asked the gentleman carelessly. Bones flinched. He felt rather gu

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