A fierce battle

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Rebecca's POV Life is unpredictable and it is the major learning of 23 years of my life. Yes, and this turned out to be very true. Well, I lost my lovely mother to cancer last year and I was abandoned by my father before I was even born. Although, I don't find it tat-bit sad because, I have been blessed with amazing people like you who help and support me. I'm eternally grateful to all the kindness showered by you. Thank you so much for being a part of my life and making me a part of yours Mr & Mrs Hoffman. Love, Rebecca. After having written the letter I put it under the paperweight on the table making sure that It's the first thing seen by Uncle Hoffman. "If you are done with it then let's leave", said the dominating voice of Aaron from behind. "I... I just want to use the washroom", I lied. I ran into the washroom locking the door and breaking into tears. I couldn't believe that my life has come to this. I was reflecting on my thoughts when the memories of last week came flashing before my eyes. All of this started about a week ago... It was a normal day when I would return home from work and spend time helping Mr & Mrs Hoffman at their cafe Adios. I am Rebecca Dawson, a 23-year old, advertising professional. If you ask me what's special about me, I would say that I'm exceptionally lucky for I have great people like Hoffman couple taking care of me and a best friend, Angela, whose madness is on equal wavelength as mine. Mr & Mrs Hoffman are not my biological parents or adoptive ones, they took me in as they were close to my mother. My lovely mother passed on last year battling cancer and my father is someone I had not known since birth. I was an ordinary girl, leading an ordinary life until a storm came in and swamped it. The storm was Aaron... Aaron Miles. It all started off with a weird text from a private number. I was busy looking up for the design layouts when my phone buzzed. It was quite unusual as I had do-not-disturb service activated on my phone so it definitely cannot be some random sales text. I guess it must be Mrs Hoffman. I decided to check the text but couldn't as I was called in for an urgent client meeting. Ignoring my phone, I went ahead with the work flow. It was late in the evening and my back ached from all the stress. I looked up from a file when my sight caught Angela mischievously imitating my gestures outside the cabin. I smiled and called her in. "Hello Miss-I-don't-have-time-for-anything-fun-to-do", she said as she sat on the chair opposite to mine. "Angela, I really have to go and help Mrs. Hoffman with the gardening for the cafe, I can't make plans for a week", I sounded desperate to leave. "Are you serious? so, you mean to say that you are going to bail out on me?", she wined. "I promise next week I won't bail out on you!", I tried to cheer her. "Well, the least you could do was ring me up or a text perhaps?", she said "Oh! I'm so sorry, I could barely check my phone, you see this advertising company is a start up and I have to make sure the things get done at the right time", I tried to justify. "I worry for you Rebecca, please, don't get so involved that you forget to enjoy your life a little", Said Angela I knew she was a kind soul to forgive and forget but she was also someone who cared for me. I really don't know what I'd do if she weren't around. "Sure Angela! I'll make up to you", I said cheerfully, closing my laptop and grabbing my belongings. "Don't forget to text or call me", said Angela as she left. I was happy with my life, Angela worked at a private banking firm and she would always get off work earlier than me and then we would make plans for the weekend. This week was not going to be like the usual as I was supposed to help Mr&Mrs Hoffman re innovate their cafe as a potential investor of a huge hotels chain was going to visit the cafe this weekend for investing in the cafe. I was happy for the couple and more than willing to contribute my efforts to make the deal a success. As I was walking towards the cafe, I felt my phone buzz. It struck me then that I missed to check the messages I got this morning. I unlocked my phone with one swipe to check for new messages. What I read shook the ground under my feet. " I've been watching you..." "I wish I could show you how you make me feel..." I read the two text messages and was confused, maybe this wasn't for me, I thought, but the next text had my palms sweaty with cold chills running down my spine. "Do you realize how much I hate it when you talk so casually to that Jason guy" Jason... Jason Jade! he was the client I was with this afternoon. I wiped the beads of sweat from my forehead as I continued to walk towards the cafe when I received another text message. It had a media file in it, I clicked on it only to see my pic, It was taken from behind. Another text beeped in "you look sexy in this outfit" I turned around in shock and fear. Was someone following me? was this a prank? if it was one then it has gone too far. I tried to reply back but the texts won't go! It was a private number and one needs access permission to send texts to such numbers. I was beyond scared, I was demented. There were footsteps of someone following behind me. I started to walk briskly to reach the cafe. It was not far but, worst case, I was prepared with pepper spray. I rushed towards the cafe only to be feel a hand tap my shoulder from behind. I could have fainted at this point but, to my surprise it was Angela. " Hey lady, what's the rush?", She asked casually. By now my face showed nothing but terror and I could see the concern in her eyes. "Hey! you okay?", she asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine", I said, brushing off the texts. Those texts definitely are a part of some stupid prank I tried to reaffirm myself when all of a sudden I heard my phone buzz again. This time the text was like bombshell dropping on me. "Hey girl, why the hurry? you know how hard it is when I don't get to see you? next time stay around for a little longer and don't run away" The text had a photo of mine attached with it. That's when I knew... this was not a prank, it was the arrival of storm...
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