Chapter 5

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"This will be your room," He opened the door just infront of his room and I saw a clean and spacious room. I sighed in relief. The room looks good and well maintained, making me conclude that his unit doesn't just cost average. He must be really rich to afford this. I went inside to check it inside. There's a queen sized bed, a walk-in closet, bathroom and a small library. I looked at him with approval on my eyes. His past personal assistant must have lived a wealthy life in here. "My room's just infront of this room but I'm warning you. Don't dare go inside my room without permission. Knock if you need something." I made face. It's as if I'd like to go inside his room and have a chitchat with him. I'll only go there when the time comes that I need to kill him. "You'll clean, you will cook and you will go with me on my tapings." He said while I was busy rummaging my room with my eyes. "What the hell? I thought I'm your personal assistant? Why are you asking me to cook? And clean? I'm not a personal maid Gelo," I said with outward disapproval. Seriously, he's asking too much! I don't even sweep the floor at home. "That's part of your work," "No, I won't clean!" He stared at me and I stared back. There's no f*****g way I'll clean his house! He can't force me to do that because that's something I'm not bound to do. My parents didn't let even a single dust touch my skin and now he'll ask me to clean his place. Over my dead body! He glared at me for a couple of minutes like his eyes are already blackmailing me without his words. And I don't know how did it happen but I looked away when I felt uncomfortable. But that doesn't mean I agree, I will never do it. "I have my taping later," And he stormed out of my room. I landed on the bed, heaving out a huge sigh. You can do this Naomi, just for three months, just for three f*****g months. * His manager approached us immediately when we arrived at the set. She eyed me from head to toe so I made sure she's gonna see my brows knit together at what she did. I want to roll my eyes at her but I stopped myself. Gelo told me to act nicely so I won't cause him trouble. "Review your script Gelo. And you, sit over there." I stared at her and I saw how she's intimidated with me. I think I'll be needing a lot of patience while I'm on this work. I looked at Gelo and saw him already sitting while the make up artists are doing his make up. I rolled my eyes heavenwards, I stomped my feet to the couch and slumped myself there. I watch the preparations and would sometimes glance at Gelo to check on him. I was startled when he opened his eyes and his gaze met mine. He motioned me to come closer so I stood up and walked towards him. "Water," he murmured. I rolled my eyes but I took a bottled water from the table to give him. I took another one for myself before going back to my seat. I was busy watching everyone when a tall girl suddenly came. She walked inside wearing a cleavage baring top, short shorts and a black boots. Heads turned to her direction. "Hi guys!" She greeted. Everyone smiled at her, as if everyone adores her so much. "Hi Diana, please prepare now so we can start. Gelo's already here," the gay director smiled at her. Even when she's late, they treat her as a very important person. I wonder who this girl is. I saw her eyes roam the place and it stopped at Gelo's direction. She even smiled when she saw him. Ow, what's with them? I suddenlt felt interested. "Hi Gelo!" She greeted him but Gelo didn't even look at her. He was busy reading his script as if he has his own world. I almost laughed at what he did. She looks embarassed, Gelo didn't even throw him a look. She was trying to compose herself when her eyes landed on me. I saw how her forehead creased upon seeing me, I didn't bother looking awa. I saw her murmur something from a staff, they both looked at me. I smirked, can't they make it a little unapparent? She looks interested in me now after what the staff told her, I wonder what did she learned. She stared at me until the make up artist asked her to sit. She couldn't even cut her stare. I smiled devilishly, you are only an inch of my aura. It didn't take long before the shooting started. I found out that she's Diana Scheiden, Gelo's loveteam. I want to laugh after knowing that, how can Gelo ignore her if they are the loveteam of this show? I can't even see the chemistry they're talking about. "Water break. We'll start after five minutes." The make up artists flocked to the two of them. They said they have to shoot next for a night setting so they had to put a lot more make up. I was getting bored when I saw Diana infront of me. I gave her a bored look. "Hi there, I heard you're Gelo's new personal assistant." I gave her a sarcastic smile, "For three months." I answered. "Diana Scheiden," She smiled and offered her hand to me but I just watch her hand until she noticed that I have no plans on making friends with her. She put down her hands down, she smiled at me one last time before walking back to the set. I only need to look at a person once to know their intention. I know she did that on purpose, acting friendly on me while everyone's watching. Who wouldn't believe that act? She's good at playing nice when she's really intimidated. And I know she intentionally made me look rude to anyone for not taking her hands. But I don't care, I'm here for Gelo and the contract, not for anyone else. Everyone is looking at me after what she did. Even Gelo's wathcing me intently, as if I did a crime. I rolled my eyes at him. They started again after a few minutes. I can say Gelo and Diana are really good actors and actresses because they can manage one shoot for all the scenes, without comitting any mistakes. The director clapped his hands when they finished shooting. He thanked the two and the rest of the people started packing up. I looked at my watch and saw that it's already eleven in the evening. I walked towards Gelo when I saw him looking at me. "Let's go," I followed him when he started walking towards his car. But his manager stopped us. "Did you bring your car?" She asked. She glanced at me but then she's more focused on Gelo. I just watched the two of them. Gelo nodded. He looks dead tired. "Who's gonna drive?" She turned to me when I raised the keys infront of her. Do I look like I can't drive? "Tss," I left the two of them and proceeded to Gelo's car. Gelo followed after a while. I guess he has no time to hear some rants from his manager. "Let's go," I rolled my eyes as I start the engine. "Stop being rude to the set," My brows knitted together when he said that. I turned to look at him. "I don't care about the set," "Just don't bring your bratty attitude there." "I'm not a brat!" I retorted. I admit I'm rude but I was never a brat! He didn't say anything but the aura he's giving still makes me feel he's accusing me of being a brat. I don't understand where does he get the things he say to me. This guy is really annoying. * I woke up early the next day. I hurriedly stood up to do my morning ritual. I'm not yet used to my room here but I know I'll definitely get some time to get used to it. I took one last glance of myself on the mirror and decided to leave when I felt contented on how I look. Just exactly when Gelo also came out of his room infront of mine. He just threw me a bored look before going ahead. I glared at his back while he's heading to the kitchen. He's actually tall, maybe around 6'2 or 6'3. And he has a white complexion that makes him look so neat and presentable no matter how he dresses. The white long sleeves he's wearing is almost the same color of his skin. And even I can only see his back, I must admit that he's one of a kind drop-dead gorgeous man. His back is very broad and that makes him sexier. His messy hair even matched his features. Dang! He's really a greek god from the greek mythology. I don't know why the heavens let someone like him live on earth. The world itself is an imbalance for him. I mentally chastised myself. Seriously Naomi? You are praising his inhumanly beauty! Ugh. "Are you done checking me out?" I was startled when I saw him leaning on the sink at the kitchen, with his arms crossed on his chest and intently watching me. Oh God, I want to slap myself for admiring him despite his very bad attitude. He's a living statue! It's as if my inner self is arguing with my outer self weather to hate him or just admire him. Thank God he spoke which reminded me to hate him evenmore. "You didn't cook. Now, what are we going to eat?" He's throwing me daggers. I looked at him unbelievably, "You're expecting me to cook?" "It's part of your work," He turned to face the cupboards and he pulled out two cupnoodles. I watched him as he fill those cups with hot water from the dispenser. "I don't know how to cook," I admitted. I don't want to push things that I can't really do. He didn't bother to look at me, like what I've said is not surprising anymore. "It's obvious, I don't think you can do any chores because you're a brat cussing machine." My brows knit together. He turned to look at me, "You're a sadist cussing machine." "What? I'm not a sadist! Is it my fault that I oftne feel the urge to hurt you because you are so arrogant? And I'm not a cussing machine!" I retorted. God, how can he say those things to me? This guy is really pushing me to the core. He just smirked at me, "I wonder hopeless you will be without the gold spoon on your mouth." I didn't notice what I got from the table and I just threw it at him. He was able to avoid it but that's when we saw the swiss knife hit the cupboard. My eyes grew wide in shock. He turned to my direction unbelievably. "What the hell? Are you really planning to kill me?" But instead of saying sorry, I glared at him evenmore. "I'm not useless. Say that again and I'll murder you inside your own room!" **
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