1236 Words

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Naya was in the kitchen doing the dishes as it seemed like that was the only thing she had gotten better in. Jennet had not still stopped with her scoldings and Esme had become a constant bully. Naya tried to ignore the comments that Esme made about her, but it was hard not to let them get to her. She knew that Esme was just jealous of her and that she was trying to get a rise out of her. But it was difficult not to let it affect her, especially when Esme was constantly in her face. Naya was just about to give up on the dishes when she heard a commotion from the other room. She set down the dish she was scrubbing and walked out of the kitchen, curious to see what was going on. She got there to see that a guard was there. It was obvious he had a message. “How can I hel

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