Chapter 19

997 Words

Chapter 19Sylvia hated Harold Lloyd. She hated slapstick comedy in general. She could see how clever it was, placing the actors just-so, so things didn’t fall on them when the scenery collapsed. And other people seemed to find it all hilarious. But she just didn’t have time for it. However, Lucy loved all that sort of thing, and Sylvia wanted to make Lucy happy, ergo, Harold Lloyd it had been. Perhaps next time they could see something less…trivial. Sylvia hoped Lucy would be as tolerant in return when she dragged her to see The First Men in the Moon when it finally came to the cinema in Taunton. She lay on her back with her arm thrown over her face. She’d given herself away this evening, she knew. Putting herself in the hands of someone she trusted wasn’t something she allowed herself v

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