Karma's Faith

1122 Words
Gray was, in short, a big eater. I really thought, from the tone of his body and how nonchalant he was about food in general, that he was the type to pick out food and let it go. I was wrong. He had medium pace, savoured food carefully, but ate a lot. I watched in fascination as he took the last piece of the bread, and as if he had just realized I was there, he turned to me. I broke into a smile, my eyes crinkling. "This is very new." He shrugged. "You have never seen a man eat?" Of course, I have. I just never thought it would ever look like instant gratification. I mean, I loved it so much every time Kevin ate my food. Every time he looked up and complimented me. Gray, on the other hand, hadn't even needed to. He just ate, and I felt like the best cook in the world. "I just..." I started to say, then trailed off, shaking my head a little. "It's just funny." He said nothing, then slowly stretched the last piece of banana bread to me. "Have you eaten?" I broke into a laugh. "There is hardly anything left, Gray." He shrugged. "I thought it was for me." I laughed, then slowly leaned forward to take a bite of the bread. I wasn't sure if it was my mind playing tricks on me, but I was almost sure he moved his hand a little further. My brows furrowed, and I looked up to him, but he was completely stoic, his eyes watching me. I sighed, then wrapped my hand around his, before I pulled to take a bite. Just as I got to it, I stopped as his face moved further, covering the distance between us. I felt my breath hitch as my syes left the bread to seek his, and I found it. Dark, intense, grey. Everything that I was told not to play with. He looked exactly like the clouds right before a storm. A predator right before it catches the prey. "What... what are you doing?" Slowly, he dropped the plate that held the slice between us, and my breath hitched with the sudden proximity. His fingers gently moved through the curves of my neck, pushing my hair gently away as his hand gained a place on my skin. My lips parted, and I sucked in a sharp breath, my eyes holding his again. I wasn't sure what he saw in them, but he gave a small smile. "Yet, you said the kiss was a mistake?" I bit down on my lips. "Well... well... I just..." "Yet you bring me food..." He said, his thumb running along my cheek now at the same pace that his eyes caressed my face. "You claim me?" "I said why. Because I need to." He laughed, then slowly let me go. "You are such a tease." I struggled to catch my breath, my lips parting as my eyes followed him. I found it hard to look at anything else, to settle on anything less. "You won't have my slice," he said simply. That broke the tension, and I gave a laugh. "Of course. I will eat when I get home." His eyes met mine. "What?" "I said, I will eat when I get home." He raised a brow. "I believe I lost my assistant because of you." "I didn't ask you to fire her," I said with a laugh, and he gave me a look. "All I am saying is, I have another meeting in two hours." "I will leave you to it, then." "No, you won't," he said firmly, his eyes holding mine. "Food will be brought up in a minute." "You don't... want me to sit here and watch you work, do you?" "That is exactly what I want," he said with a small chuckle as he stood up. "Honestly, I couldn't wait to come back home." My eyes followed him as he walked towards the massive mahogany table that was sat in front of a massive glass window. I just knew the view from there was breathtaking. Perfect. But the view from where I was sitting with him right there and that glass, the city as a backdrop, it felt like it would be better. "Why?" He shrugged. "I wanted to see you. And to tell you that I honestly do not want to mess around with you." My brows furrowed. "What do you mean?" "Mrs. Amanda Ferguson Dawn was the woman in this office earlier. I bet it rings a bell." I closed my eyes. It did. Kevin's mother. I remember how she had looked at me the first time I went there. The way she had smiled at first, and once Kevin stood up to go take a call, she leaned back, her eyes holding mine. "How much?" I shook my head. I remember thinking I was fighting for my love with Kevin. In retrospect, I probably should have taken the money. "Of course, I do." Gray chuckled, then turned to me. "Quite ironic, huh? She had an appointment with me way before the wedding, but I kept pushing it back and..." "Did you know who she was?" He chuckled darkly. "There is nothing that I do not know, Angel. The fact that you came to work at the wedding because Kevin and Samantha planned it, and the fact that all the money that Samantha had been stealing from me was put into the Dawn retail company. " "They are that broke," he said with a laugh. "They have practically nothing. Now she is begging me for a loan to revive the company." I bit down on my lips. I always thought Kevin's family was well off. And he had indeed mentioned wanting to work with Gray, but he never got to. Was it because Gray already knew about the cheating? And now... now that Amanda was right here, what would Gray do? I met his eyes, and all the humor he had while eating was gone. The Gray everyone was scared of was back, and he looked quite ready to destroy anything in his way. He smiled, then walked to his table and sat on the edge, one foot rooted firmly on the ground while the other dangled almost playfully off the table. He rested his arm on his thigh, his eyes watching me. "What will you do?" I asked finally, my eyes kicking slowly. Before he could reply, a knock came on the door. "I have brought lunch, sir." Neither of us paid any heed to it, my eyes watching his, getting sicked into those deep abysses. "Exactly, sweetheart. What should I do?"
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