The Assault

1195 Words
It feels so good. So painfully good. I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, my hand running along the stone of the pendant Gray had given me. He was asleep on the hospital bed, and I had taken that opportunity to slip away for a while, to appreciate his gift even more. I now noticed the tiny hearts that were embedded on the chain, and my heart fluttered harder, basically begging to break free and run towards him. I sighed, biting down on my lips before I turned to the door. I gave a small smile, then turned back to the mirror. Wait. I walked forward, then smiled, then dropped it again, and then smiled again. I guess I wasn't really smiling, huh? I smiled again, but I dropped it fast. It looked too fake, too forced. I am sure he would notice real fast if I went around smiling at him like that. "Shut up and kiss me." I closed my eyes. Hell, that had been perfection. The way he had said it, the lights dancing around his eyes, his muscular, toned body in view, his face close, his lips moist. I broke into a bashful smile as I looked up to the mirror. My breath caught in my throat. It was the perfect smile, my cheeks reddened with the heat that had rushed up to my face, my eyes narrow. What's happening to me? What am I doing? I gave a sigh. I doubt he knew the sort of effect he had on me. Especially since I have seen him so cruel. So unforgiving. It made me feel almost... special. I smiled, then turned away and opened the door to the ward again. My eyes widened as I took in the sight. Gray was still asleep, and Samantha was now sitting beside him, her fingers running across his chest down to his stomach. My eyes widened, but before I could even move, she reached the waistband of his pants, letting her fingers run across the delicate skin. She seemed unaware that I was still around, or she was doing it knowing I was right there. She had started to pull the edges down, when I pushed my mind to work, my feet, my hands, and before I could think, I covered the distance, grabbing her by the neckline of her dress and violently pushing her off the bed. She gave a small scream, and I turned to Gray as the sudden yell woke him up, and he say up with a start, his chest heaving, his eyes wide as he took in what was happening. "Samantha?" She was on the floor, and I was between them, my chest heaving with anger, my eyes seeing red. I hated her. For real this time. For trying to touch him like that. For trying to violate his boundaries, trying to do things she knew he would never agree to had he been conscious. "Gray, please. Please, I was just...I was just..." "Shut the f**k up!" I yelled, unable to even recognize my own voice. "How cheap can you get? He doesn't love you. How much lower can you stoop?" "He loves me!" She yelled, standing up. "You are coming between us because you know that he wouldn't waste a moment and will rum towards me the chance he gets. You know nothing about what we have been through. You are just an intruder! You are nothing!" My body was shaking with anger, and my fists clenched hard, my eyes wide, my chest heaving hard. I took a step forward, but Gray's hand cupped my back, stopping me. I turned to him, and he looked a little shaken but composed. More composed than I could probably ever be. "She is not worth it, Evangeline. I will call security." I swallowed, nodding. I wouldn't want to get into another brawl since he so obviously does not want me to. "Gray! Gray, please. Just don't do this. You know you want me. Don't let.." He turned away and walked around to get the hospital telephone. He checked for the security number and started to call it, just as she darted across, her hands wrapping around his legs, tears streaking down her face. I sighed, closing my eyes as I leaned back on the bed, my eyes closed, my breaths short. This... having a woman so obsessed with him hurt even more now because Lord knows, I do not want to share him or even give him to her. I don't want to risk losing him now. Not just because of the security being married to him gives me, but because... My hand reached for the pendant, and I sighed, tears running steadily down my cheeks. "Samantha," Gray said, his voice low. She stopped with her frantic pleas, and I turned just as he squatted to her height. "Look at me," he said, his voice low. "Do I still look like the man who used to love you?" She gave a small whimper, but he slowly shook his head. "Look at Evangeline. She will never have to go on her knees like this. Because I want her. Because I desire her, and I want to pin her to every wall I see. She doesn't need to sneak in while I am asleep. She doesn't need to do stupid things like this." "You love me, Gray. Admit it to yourself. You know you love me. You know you..." "I don't hit women, but you make me so f*****g violent, Samantha. Have you no shame? Have you no self-respect? Have you no dignity? Was the woman I used to love way back then always like this or did the filthy s*x you had with that man f**k off the remaining innocence?" "Gray," she said, trying to hold his hand. "You even went to prison for me. What could that be? That had to be love, right? That has to be love. Gray. Please, just..." A knock came on the door, and Gray leaned away from her while she tried to hold on to him tighter. The security guards said nothing and quickly took her away, amidst her yells and screams. Something stuck out for me, however, and once the door was closed, I turned towards Gray. He was standing in the same spot, and without a word, pushing my questions to the back of my mind, I walked towards him. He moved away, however, his lips parting as he met my eyes. "Don't." "Gray." "She just touched me." "I don't f*****g care. You are still my husband. I don't f*****g care who touched you." He met my eyes, and it was the most stress I had seen in his wyes. I covered the distance and wrapped my arms around him, my eyes closing as my face nuzzled in his neck. He didn't move for a while before he slowly tightened his grip on me, his head leaning into me, his breath shaky. He said nothing, but I could tell how desperate he was from how tight he was holding me. Good thing is, I will never let him go.
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