The sun was starting to rise, and the pitch black night they had blanketed the room after we turned on the lights to help Kris sleep better was slowly dispersing under the slowly coming morn.
I looked down at my lap. Except, it wasn't just my lap. Gray was lying on it, his face buried in my stomach, his hand around my waist. Those kisses from last night seemed to have built even more trust between us, and once I finally pulled away, he simply rested his head on my shoulder, his eyes staring off at sleeping Kris.
The room had been silent, not awkward, just peaceful, nice. Comfortable.
"Are you tired?" I asked, turning to him, my eyes taking him in. "You are injured too."
He didn't reply for a long minute before he gave a small sigh. "Thank you for being here, Angeline. You have no idea just how grateful I am for you."
I slowly moved, then tapped lightly on my thighs. "Rest here."
"Appealing, but you were running around with me, too. I will take you home, so..."
"Then I will have to sleep without you. I want to stay here. And for Kris, too."
He gave a small chuckle. "Make sure to wake me up if you get tired."
I nodded, but I knew I wouldn't wake him up. He rested his head in my lap before slowly turning into my stomach, his hand gently playing around with the small bump.
"This feels nice," he said in a whisper so small I was almost convinced that his thoughts had just happened to slip out.
"Love handles from eating too much?"
He nodded slowly. "It's beautiful, Angeline."
I looked down at him. "You don't mean that."
"I do. I meant every word I said."
I slowly let go of my stomach, taking a proper breath, my eyes looking down to him.
"Perfect," he said, then leaned in even closer, his hand wrapping around my waist, his face buried in my stomach.
I smiled, pushing my hands through his hair, my chest slightly heaving. I leaned, placing a small kiss on the edge of his neck right below his ear. I then leaned back, massaging his scalp till his breaths evened out, and he fell asleep.
Neither he nor Kris stirred even once through the night, and even though I fell asleep a few times, I kept waking up in order to make sure Kris was fine.
He was, throughout the night, and a collection of their soft, low breaths kept me company.
Now that the sun was rising, I watched it through the window, my hand buried deep in Gray's hair, my smile small as I replayed yesterday in my head again and again and again. Like I couldn't quite get enough.
Gray suddenly stirred, his face moving against my stomach, his hand moving up the curve of my waist.
"Good morning," I whispered, leaning closer to him.
He let out a small sigh and looked up to me, his eyes still heavy with sleep, his lips turned up slightly.
"I won't trust you anymore."
I gave a small chuckle, knowing exactly what he meant. "You were just sleeping so soundly that I felt bad to wake you up. Don't you like how refreshed you feel now?"
He rolled his eyes. "You are manipulating me."
I broke into a laugh. "Did you sleep well?"
"Thanks to you," he said, sitting up. "You should get some sleep. I will look after you and Kris."
I was tired, so I didn't argue. He moved away from the couch, set a pillow for me, and grabbed a blanket that I hadn't noticed. He tucked me in, kissed my forehead like it was the most natural thing ever, and then walked away towards the bathroom.
I felt giddy down to my stomach, and I sighed as I closed my eyes, the sound of the tap water flowing, keeping me company.
I didn't realize when I slowly succumbed to fatigue, and I slept off, my hans faalling off from around me to dangle off the edge of the couch, my lips parting slowly.
I wasn't sure how long I slept for, but when I woke up, Gray was standing close to Kris' bed with a doctor. Kris was hanging on to Gray's arm, and Gray had one hand in his pocket, the other hand around Kris.
I smiled and slowly stood up, my chest heaving. To my surprise, there was a large box close to me, with a brown paper bag close to it and another bag that looked like it came from a hotel or something.
I must have been out for a while if Gray had left the room and come back already, and I felt a little bad for sleeping off and leaving him to take care of things.
They finished up with the doctor, and Gray immediately turned to me, a smile lighting up his eyes.
"I was starting to get bored."
I chuckled, pulling the blanket from around me. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to sleep that long."
"I meant for you to sleep that long," he said very simply, his smile small. "I am going to take Kris down for a walk. I got you a dress in there, some shoes, food, supplies. If there is anything else you need, check it now, and I will go get it."
I laughed, shaking my head. "Thank you very much for this, Gray."
He smiled, then slowly walked back towards me. Gently, he leaned and kissed my forehead, and before he leaned away, Kris grabbed my hair lightly and kissed around the edge of my forehead, too.
I broke into a laugh just as Gray did, too, and Kris, seeing everyone laughing at his extremely adorable self, broke into a cackle, too.
I turned to Gray while his eyes were on Kris, a sigh escaping my lips. We were perfect. This was perfect.
"I didn't think I would have such a tiny competition."
I broke into a laugh, and Gray smiled, then slowly turned back to me. "We will be back, okay?"
I nodded, and he smiled at me before he walked away with Kris, who just kept waving, the bandages on the side of his face still not a good enough barrier for his stunning smile.