Office Chaos

1184 Words
I wasn't sure what I had expected to see as Gray's office, given the mansion they lived in, but it wasn't this. My mind, trained, born and bred by the small suburbs, the slums, the constant need for money would never be able to fully understand this wealth. Even when the driver pulled up, I was still hoping that this wasn't the office. "We are here," he said, and I let out a shaky breath. I now understood Aunt Maurine. I would think I was a gold digger, too. I slowly got out of the car, holding the packaged lunchbox to my chest. I watched the tall glass building in front of me, and I felt small. Extremely tiny compared to all of that. I bit down on my lips andmaoowly started to walk forward when the driver ran up to me. "I will help you with this, ma'am." I turned, a little flustered, but then slowly shook my head. "I will be fine." He nodded but then continued to walk beside me, helping me into the main office building. The first thing that greeted me was the massive hall. People, all very corporately dressed, were walking around, and they seemed to be finishing lunch break and were heading back through the security posts. "You will have to scan an ID in order to go there. But I will take you through." "Thank you," I said gratefully, and the driver smiled, then walked ahead of me. I followed behind him, and he said something to one of the security guards. I saw the guard look up to me, then nod, and he quickly opened up for me. "Thank you," I said again, and the driver only smiled. "You should use the private elevator. Sir's office is on the 18th floor." "18th. I understand." He opened the elevator, then watched me go inside. I did, and the elevator closed. I pressed the buttons, then sighed as I looked around me. One side of the elevator was extremely clear glass, and I turned to examine my reflection. I fixed my hair, then my dress, and adjusted my posture. I licked my lips together, then sighed again. No matter what I did, even to myself, I didn't look like I could be married to that hunk of a man. I laughed at myself as I thought about it all. My perfectly mundane life had flipped upside down, and I had somehow ended up with people who had too much change to spare. Too much money to splurge. I finally got to the 18th floor, and I felt my heart jump in my throat. What if Gray didn't like it? What if he flipped out? He could be gentle when he wanted to be, but what if he didn't want to be right now? I got out and turned to the left. There was nothing. I turned to the right, and sire enough was the black double door. On it was simply written; C.E.O. I swallowed, then walked towards the door. I couldn't see or hear anything, and I slowly started to knock. Silence. I was starting to contemplate leaving when suddenly, the door knob turned. I felt my heart leap in my chest, and I braced myself for Gray. The door cracked open before it finally opened up, and there stood an elegant woman. She was wearing a red blouse that matched blindingly with her blonde hair, and then nude coloured lips that all made the perfect contrast. She was beautiful, and I wondered if she thought the same as she examined me, her brows furrowed. "Who are you?" I cleared my throat. "I came to..." "Go back down and wait in the lobby. Sir is in a meeting." I nodded, disappointment weighing my shoulders down. "Uhm, alright. Could you give him this? It's lunch." She looked down at it, then shook her head. "No. I believe if Sir wanted kunch, he has his own private chef in the kitchens who would attend to his needs." I started to protest, but she moved away and started to close the door on my face. "Who is there?" Came Gray's unmistakably dark voice. I froze as she turned to him, then to me. "Just some random woman offering you food. I am not sure how the security let her past, but..." I suddenly pushed through the half open door, and my eyes fell on the large office space. There were three men and a woman sitting on the couches on opposite sides, while one seat was empty. Possibly this woman's seat. I raised my eyes to Gray, who was sitting at the head of the table, his legs crossed, his eyes dark and almost closed as he watched me. "I am going to call security," she said, then started to walk to a phone. "Gray, I brought..." "Shut up," she suddenly said, cutting me off. "You should leave right now and not make anymore trouble. Take that food with you too and get the hell out, or I will have security drag you out." I turned to her, my lips pursed. "What exactly are you?" "Me? Oh, you will know. I am Sandra, Sir's personal assistant and..." "Ex." We both turned to Gray, and the office went silent. The other people there were saying nothing, and the woman was especially quiet, her face still shielded away from view. "What?" I and Sandra asked at the same time. Gray simply shrugged. "It seems you have met my former personal assistant, Evangeline. You might have never gotten the chance again." I turned to Sandra, who had suddenly turned pale, her eyes bulging out of their sockets. "Sir. I was just taking minutes of this meeting and now..." "Now you will be on your way down to the lobby and wsit for a severance pay. If you have already called security, let them come escort you." I bit down on my lips hard as she moved closer to him, her voice low, her hands shaky. "But... but sir. Why all of a sudden? Why? I was doing my job of protecting you from intruders and..." "I believe the security has a bit of argument with that," Gray said, then slowly stood up, his hands slowly rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. His jacket was on the couch, and he walked to me, towering easily above me. "I don't remember employing you to disrespect my wife." The silence was deafening as he put a hand across my shoulder and pulled me to his hard, warm chest. I turned to Sandra, and she seemed to be on the verge of tears, her lips quivering. "I will... I will apologize. I will do everything. I am sorry. I swear, I did not..." she trailed off, then turned to me. "I beg of you. I beg of you." I opened my mouth to talk when the door suddenly flew open, and Samantha walked in, wearing the most provocative, bikini like dress I have ever seen in my life, and holding a packaged box of food.
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