Little Hypocrite

830 Words
The drive was quiet, and even though I tried to keep my mind quiet, Gray's fingers were constantly touching mine, flaming my thoughts over and over again. I turned to him, and he had his hand propped up on his elbow, his chin resting on his hand, his eyes thin as he watched me. I immediately turned away again, remembering his words from the dance floor and immediately heating up. I bit down on my lips and moved my hand away from his, my fingers nipping at each other, my chest heaving hard. "So?" He asked suddenly, his voice low. "You haven't said a single word in ages." I cleared my throat. "I am mostly a quiet person." Gray broke into a laugh. "Well then, excuse me. I must have taken the wrong wife." I gave a small sigh. "Maybe stop staring at me, and I would feel comfortable about talking." He chuckled. "How much cake did you eat?" I shrugged. "You gave me a slice and..." I trailed off, my eyes widening as I cupped the left side of my cheek. I had thought something was off with my cheek earlier, but I had brushed it off as the heat from the compliment Gray had given me. My eyes filled with horror as I removed my hand, and I had a piece of icing on my fingers. I looked up to Gray, who looked blank, but his eyes held so much amusement that they looked like they would burst. "You knew there was cake on me!" He chuckled. "There was no cake on you." "Where did this come from then? You let me walk around with cake, and I thought you were being sweet." He shrugged. "I was being sweet. I brought you cake." "And then smeared it on my face!" I was losing it with how calm he was and how amused he got with every word I uttered. He shook his head and turned away. "You are one to talk, sweetheart. Yelling in my ears about looking at you when you had your eyes and mind, apparently, on me so nuch that you didn't notice me smearing a cake on your cheek." He turned to me, gave me a quick one over, the right side of his lips lifting in a small smile. "You little hypocrite." I felt my cheeks heat up enough to fry an egg sunny side up. "I freaking hate you." "I am sure you do, sweetheart. " I felt like flying out of the car but turned away, my fists clenching around my dress. My brows were drawn, my lips turned down in a frown, but I was more annoyed with myself than him, because how could I not notice him smearing a cake on me? When did it happen? How? I sighed. This just shows how unreliable my memories are, and now I am starting to doubt everything. What else could I have missed? What else could I have being too blind to see? I sighed again, just as we turned into the compound of the hotel we were staying. It was dark, and I got ready to make a run for it. The car stopped, and before they could even open the doors, I turned, grabbing my dress to make an exit. "Not so fast," Gray said, holding my hand back. I turned to him, my eyes wide. "What do you want? You already made your point, so what now?" "This," he said, before bringing his hand to cup the under of my chin, his fibbers gently caressing my throat as he turned my face away from him. I sat there obediently as he leaned close, then ran his tongue over my cheek, his hands warm. My eyes closed, and I swallowed, calm washing over me, my heart flipping like a f*****g diva. He leaned away, slowly letting me go, and I sighed, biting down on my lips. "You can take your time coming up." He could probably see how red I was, how embarrassed, yet so... attracted. I was attracted to him. I shook my head. No. I wasn't. I am barely over Kevin. He has a gun. He rarely laughs and is sometimes batshit crazy. But his eyes are beautiful. And when he kisses me, I forget everything. His smile is rare but beautiful and certainly worth the wait. I sighed, then leaned back on the car seat, my hand coming over my chest. I stayed there long after he was gone, gathering the courage to be able to share the same bed. Once I felt like myself again, I got out of the car and walked across the lobby. Just before I reached the stairs, my eyes caught something. A server was carrying a food trolley, and on it was a huge display of doughnuts of different colours, hanging on what looked like a tree. An idea came to me, and I immediately ran to the front desk.
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