The Celebrant

1371 Words
I gave Gray my hand, and his fingers immediately tightened around it, his other hand smoothly going behind him. I slowly alighted, taking extra care because of how long the train of my dress was. The driver closed the door, and Gray let go of my hand briefly before putting his arm so I could hold that instead. I held his arm, and he turned to me, his eyes sweeping over me quickly. That look did things to him that I could not bring myself to describe to anyone. I slowly put my hand on my chest, trying to keep my breaths regular so I don't pass out. We walked towards the grand entrance. It was lit up in dark golden lights, and the hotel itself was a massive contemporary style building with more glass than was safe and more stories than I could count. The doors opened, and the guards gave a respectful bow as we walked through. This was the sort of place I hadn't even had the courage to dream about because of how aware I was of it being way above my social class. Now I was here, the sunset behind us like the train of my dress, in the arms of a man who was equally way above my social class. Things happened, but I would be damned if a part of me wasn't grateful for them. If I never took that offer, I would have never known about Kevin's cheating. This wasn't ideal, but it was better than being with a cheater. It made me wonder what had happened to his body. Had his mother claimed him? I remember seeing her in Gray's office, too. I turned to Gray, clearing my throat. "Uhm... Gray?" He turned to me, his right brow lifting. "I weirdly have no memories of you taking my name." "Well, I... I am not sure. Did I never say your name?" He shrugged, then turned away. "What did you want to say?" "Well, I... Kevin's mother was in your office the other day and..." "Happy birthday, sir!" Came a sudden chant, and I stopped talking. The entire hall was filled with happy employees and possibly business partners, and it was lit up with expensive decor. There was a large wall that was covered with a banner of Gray. It was black and white, and he had one hand on the button of his suit jacket, his head held high, his hair pouring in long strands down his forehead and his eyes. His lips were half parted, his eyes incredibly soulful. "Is that supposed to be an official picture?" He broke into a small laugh. "I can't recall what photoshoot it was from. Does it not look like an official photo?" I shrugged. "No. You look like a model." He chuckled as we were led to an empty VIP seat that had two gold plaques on them. One held Gray's official title, CEO Gray Gavin, and the other... it held the name; Mrs. Samantha Gray Gavin. I held my breath as my eyes took in the table. It was a whole decor on its own, the tall flowers, the expensive wine, and cake in the middle. I turned to Gray. He still hadn't noticed it yet, as he was talking to someone else, his voice low. I turned back to the plaque, my mind filled with a replay of how he had flung his phone out of the car. The last thing I wanted was for him to ruin his own birthday. I quickly leaned and put the plaque under the table so he wouldn't be able to see it before I moved back, adjusting my dress. "Have a seat," he said once he was done as he pulled my seat out for me. I gracefully took it and watched him go around to pull his seat. The music went on for a while before it finally went off, and an announcer came on the speakers. "Today, we are here to appreciate the CEO of Gray Group, CEO Gray Gavin. He has held the company in his hands and made it into a comglomerate, bigger than anything any of us has ever envisioned. I am personally..." "They seem to adore you," I said, leaning a little over the table. He shrugged. "I pay them." I laughed, shaking my head. "You don't believe they would be here if you didn't pay them?" "Would you be?" He asked, his eyes meeting mine. "It's a company, not charity labour." I smiled again, then slowly leaned back, turning to the announcer. His speech took another five minutes before he finally proposed a toast. Waiters spread around with tall glasses of champagne, and Gray took two glasses and handed one to me. "To our CEO, long life, more money, and prosperity!" "Long life and propserity!" I clinked my glass with Gray, and he gave his normal smile before taking a sip of the wine. He dropped the glass back as a waiter came and handed him an empty plate and a knife. Gray gave a small sigh as he leaned to me. "Would you mind cutting the cake with me?" I nodded, obviously happy to oblige him. He took my hand and helped me up as the announcer started to say something about ever lasting love and perseverance. My brows furrowed, listening to his speech. He seemed to be hinting about Gray having a lover who has been by his side for a while, and I knew the only person that could pertain to. "Now it is the time for our CEO to cut the cake and he will, as always, be aided by his very beautiful wife, Mrs. Samantha Gray Gavin." Gray stopped, the knife barely touching the cake. He looked up, his eyes hardening, and the atmosphere immediately shifted. "Sir. I am very sorry," another man said as he ran towards our table. Gray did not reply, as the announcet went on about how Samantha had always been here, supporting Gray. I turned to Gray, my chest heaving. The other man ran up to the announcer, stopping him in place. A minute of hushed whispers went on, and the entire hall went completely silent. It seems a few have noticed the difference, or have attended the wedding, because the atmosphere felt uncomfortable all round. The announcer came back on, clearing his throat. "Well, I...." Gray suddenly dropped the knife and started to turn away, still holding my hand. "Gray," I said, holding his wrist, stopping him from pulling me away from the hall altogether. He turned to me, his eyes wide with a repressed anger. I slowly turned to the cake, peeled off a bit of the dark blue icing, and ran it over his nose. The hall went even quieter, and I held my breath, hoping it would work. "What are you doing?" "You are the celebrant," I said in a small whisper. "No one else matters tonight." He held my gaze as I slowly took his hand and gently led him back to the knife. He was surprisingly obedient, and I gave him a small smile as he let me use his hand to cut the cake. A round of applause filled the hall, and he sighed at me before taking a slice unto the empty plate. He initially handed it to me, but I shook my head. "Feed it to me." His brows furrowed, and he took a bite on a fork and brought it to my lips. I took it, a bit of icing staining my lips. "You are clumsy," he remarked, and I shrugged and started to reach up to clean my lips. He was faster, however, and he leaned, kissing my lips so quick that if I had blinked, I would have missed it. It resulted in yet another round of applause, but the sound, the people, none of it seemed to exist. He wad watching me too, and in his gaze, I lost every shred of doubt I had. He broke into a smile before he turned away, waved the applause away, and took his seat. I sat next to him now, my heart on overdrive, my knees weak.
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