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Chapter Thirty In which things seemed oddly calm. - [Page Asvette.] I hardly see Xbie these days. She doesn’t knock in Kye’s room for days or offered her lunch box like she always does. After meeting her that hazy day that Aunt Katrina visited us that one time, I could hardly recall an event where I had met her or seen her. Xbie would often walk into our lives as if she was resident in there—so it seemed off for me not to see her so suddenly. What is she up to? If I had known her as a kind and compassionate woman, I would have thought that she is trying to get over her lost love—but that doesn’t seem like her. From what I noticed from her, she would stop at nothing to have Kye. It is out of character for her to do something like this. Should I do something about this? Or let he

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