Chapter 10-2

970 Words

          After regular bras, we moved onto sports bras, lingerie, shorts, shirts, sweatpants, lotion, and perfume. Milan showed me which ones were her favorite, and I liked them as well. I watched as the lady scanned everything we were buying and she kind of looked at us like we were crazy. I didn’t blame her. Milan filled up three bags for me alone, and one for herself,           “Okay, the total for you is $679.32,” Milan pulled out a card from her purse and paid for her things. The amount alone for her made my mouth drop. I could only imagine how much mine was going to cost. “The total for this is $2,049.03,” I scoffed at the total. Milan handed over Wyatt’s credit card as if it were nothing. I couldn’t even begin to do the math on how much we spent today. I only hoped Wyatt didn’t ge

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