Chapter 9-2

1483 Words

          Oh please, you wanted him to kiss you.          Shut it, Kaleigh.           Stop denying it, Rylee. You like him. Hell, you borderline love him.          I do not.           Do to.          Do not.           Do to. Who are you trying to lie to hmm? Me? Yourself? Either way, it doesn’t matter. We share the same mind and body remember. I feel what you feel, and you want him.             I snub her away and bite my cheek. I hated sharing my mind and my feelings with another soul. Who came up with this crap for werewolves anyway? Wyatt led me to his office on the fifth floor, and I was completely breathless, and my legs were burning,           “I’m sorry, love, we should have taken the elevator,”           “There’s an elevator!?” I gawked at him. “You could have said that s

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