Chapter 34 (not edited)

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*THIRD PERSON'S POV* Blaze and Scarlette followed Zagar to their village. However, Blaze never let down his guard while walking with the three persons that they had just met. "Hey," a woman's voice called for Blaze, so he looked to his right and saw Zoleta standing beside him while smiling at the same time. Blaze did not say anything towards her, but he prepared himself for another attack coming from the woman by holding the handle of his katana. "Haha, relax, I will not do anything to you. I am just here to apologize for what we did earlier," Zoleta apologized while scratching her chin using her right pointing finger. "We just want to test you and make sure that you are not a fake hero," Zoleta added and smiled sheepishly towards Blaze, who just raised his eyebrow towards her. "Well, I guess you are the real thing because I can sense it from you," the woman spoke again, but this time, it made Blaze wonder. "Sense what exactly?" Blaze questioned. "Sense if you are the real hero," Zoleta said, which just made Blaze crease his forehead. What the heck. Could they not stop talking about this hero sh*t? I am not interested in being a hero. After At least ten minutes of walking inside the forest, Blaze and Scarlette finally arrive in the village where Zagar, Zoleta, and Henson are living with their families and friends. "Milady, and our destined hero, I am honored to welcome you in our small village called Sfaira," Zagar proudly introduced his village to Blaze and Scarlette as he pointed towards the direction of the entrance to their village. "Wow," Scarlette muttered as she looked around the place. There are nipa huts as the villagers' houses. Except for the trees that surround the village, there are also a lot of stray flowers inside and outside of the village, which actually adds beauty to the place. The people are wearing regular clothing such as plain colored long sleeves for both men and women, pants for the men, and long skirts for the women. All of the people are also wearing brown sandals made from yucca plants. "Chief! The Chief is back!" one of the villagers announced. Then, the people started approaching Zagar, who was being followed by Blaze and Scarlette, while Zoleta and Henson were just following behind them. "I have returned everyone! And I also brought very important guests," Zagar announced to his villagers, which made them curious. The people were curious as to who Zagar was talking about. Then suddenly, a little girl spoke out loud and pointed in Scarlette's direction. "Oh! Pretty!" the young girl commented while smiling, showing her teeth with one missing tooth in front as she pointed at Scarlette. "Eh?" was the only word that Scarlette could utter because she was shocked when the girl suddenly pointed at her. "Hahaha, you're right, Fuzia, she is a pretty lady," Zagar agreed as well while nodding his head, and his hands are crossing in front of his chest. "Chief, who is she? I mean, them?" another woman asked as she walked towards Zoleta, who immediately hugged her as the woman stood beside her. "These two are the important guests that I was talking about just before you arrived, Havie," the Chief, Zagar, answered to the woman beside Zoleta, which is named Havie. Havie looked at Scarlette and Blaze without showing any emotions at first, but then she suddenly asked a question that surprised not just the villagers of the Sfaira but Blaze and Scarlette as well. "Are you two married?" Havie asked. "H-Huh? No! No! We're not married! Actually, we are not in a relationship at all," Scarlette answered while aggressively shaking her head and hands in front of her. "I see. Well, if that's the case, then Sir, would you be willing to take Zoleta as your wife?" Havie questioned while looking at Blaze. "W-What are you talking about, Vie-Vie! Why would he take me as his wi~" Zoleta quickly replied to Havie, who did not pay any attention to her and just waiting for Blaze's answer. "I'm not interested," Blaze straightforwardly answered without batting an eye which silenced everyone around them. "Pfft~HAHAHAHA," the other villagers started laughing out loud while Zoleta's face flushed red as she tried her best to control her anger. "Pfft~" Havie tried her best to hold back her laughter as well, but she couldn't take it anymore, so she just looked down at her feet while her shoulders were shaking due to stopping her laughter. "Vie-Vie! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" Zoleta said to Havie. Then Zoleta tried to attack Havie with punches and kicks, but Zoleta could not even land a single hit on Havie because the latter is so good at dodging her attacks. Blaze, on the other hand, is simply observing the people around him. That girl is good at dodging. Blaze thought to himself while looking at Havie. But dodging is not enough to survive, especially in this world where demons exist. Blaze added in his mind as he focused himself on Zagar. "Can you tell us now why you brought us here to your village?" Blaze asked while his right hand had never left the handle of his katana. I should prepare myself all the time, just in case someone tries to attack me. Blaze thought as he looked at Zagar. "Ah yes, I would like to tell you more about the prophecy and to have more time to talk with the prophesied hero," Zagar answered while smiling at Blaze. "Hero!?" everyone except Blaze, Scarlette, Zagar, Zoleta, and Henson, said with their eyes wide open while staring at Blaze. Is he the prophesied hero? Everyone else thoughts in their minds while checking Blaze out. "Yes, everyone. This man here is the one that Maku was talking about when he came back after he and his father were attacked by demons," Zagar answered while smiling at his people. "T-Then... he's here to save us?" a man asked to Zagar, and the latter just nodded his head at him. "Yes, just like what the prophecy has said, this man will save us from the de~" Zagar spoke, but Blaze hissed and interrupted his speech. "What the hell are you talking about? What is this prophecy sh*t that you keep blabbering about?" Blaze asked while glaring at Zagar. When Zagar saw the irritation in Blaze's eyes, his eyes widened, and he immediately knelt down on the ground. "Forgive me, Sir. I will tell you everything I know about the prophecy," Zagar apologized to Blaze without meeting his glaring eyes. Is it just me, or this man also screams danger more than the demons themselves? Zagar thought to himself as he looked down on the ground. "Start talking," Blaze commanded in a cold voice which made every villager nervous by hearing his voice. "A long time ago, the world was a peaceful place to live in, with different creatures all over the world. However, when the demons suddenly emerged from the depths of the darkness, which has occurred a hundred years ago, everything changed," Zagar started explaining to Blazer, who silently listened to him. "And there is a certain man, a man who became the most powerful mage all over the lands. He made a promise with the angels that he would end the darkness in this world, but he was not able to fulfill this promise because he suddenly went missing, and years after, we only found out that the mage has died already," Zagar added. "But, there was a message left by the mage to his disciple," Zagar spoke again and looked up to Blaze. "The darkness will continue to spread, but a hero will arise soon and bring light to everyone else. A light that will never fade nor flicker. A light of hope. And that hero will be the one who will fulfill my promise," Zagar said without looking away from Blaze. Then, Zagar stood up and faced Blaze. "And that hero is you, Sir," Zagar said while pointing at Blaze. Right after that announcement of Zagar about who the hero is, everyone remained silent as they waited for Blaze's response. Blaze observed the people looking at him right now. If ever I tell them that I do not have any interest in becoming a hero, I wonder if their reactions and approach towards me will change? Blaze thought to himself. It's not like I wanted the attention. It's just that I needed more information about this tree of life so I can be healed from this d*mn poison. Blaze thought again as he took a deep breath and looked at Zagar. "I see, so that is the prophecy. However, I still have one more question," Blaze said, and Zagar simply nodded his head at him. "How can you say that I am truly the hero that the prophecy has been talking about?" Blaze asked, and Zagar just smiled at him before pointing at the katana that Blaze had been using. "Because of that, Sir. It may look like an ordinary katana, but the truth is, it is not. This weapon was forged in the ashes of a phoenix, and the phoenix spirit was the one who possessed it, and whoever touches it will be burned. Except for one person," Zagar informed Blaze. "And that person is the one who was blessed by the Phoenix spirit with its blood which means he or she is the only one who is allowed to wield such a powerful weapon," Zagar added while Blaze just looked to his katana at the left side of his body. "Serve more beer here!" Zagar yelled as he raised his tankard that is made of wood, then he placed his left arm over Blaze, who accidentally spit out some of his beer due to the heavy arm of the man sitting beside him. "Hahaha! Are you enjoying your stay here, Sir Blaze? If there is anything you want, just tell me, and I will make sure that you will have it," Zagar said while smiling at Blaze. Then, Blaze suddenly remembered the first reason why he started traveling with the woman sitting at his left. "Well, there is something that I would like to ask," Blaze said as he silently brushed off Zagar's arm from his shoulders. "Sure! What is it?" Zagar happily answered before he raised his tankard and drank some beer from it. "Do you know where I can find the tree of life?" Blaze asked, which caused Zagar to spit out his beer. Ugh, disgusting. Blaze thought to himself while watching Zagar as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Then, Zagar looked at Blaze with wide eyes. "Are you really looking for the tree of life?" Zagar asked, and Blaze just nodded his head at him before he took another sip of his beer. "But, why would you search for that mythical tree, Sir Blaze?" Zagar asked, which made Blaze curious. "Mythical tree?" Blaze asked while furrowing his eyebrows. "Yes, Sir. The mythical tree is said to be the oldest and the first tree that has sprouted in this world," Zagar informed Blaze before he chugged some of his beer. "There is a tale that says that the mythical tree or also known as the tree of life, can grant someone a single wish, as long as that person has a pure and clean heart," Zagar added, which caught Blaze's attention. "A pure and clean heart?" Blaze inquired, and Zagar nodded his head while wiping the side of his mouth with his sleeve. "Yes, but I don't actually believe in that condition because, in this world, there is no one who has a pure and clean heart. Every person and every living creature in this world has committed a sin, so it is not possible if the requirement to be granted with a wish is really a clean and pure heart," Zagar said and drank all of his beer from his tankard. "I see," Zac replied and chugged his beer. "If you don't mind me asking, why are you looking for the mythical tree anyway?" Zagar asked while looking at Blaze, but Blaze just looked avoided his gaze. "That is none of your business," Blaze coldly replied to Zagar as he clenched his fists while looking down at his empty tankard. "But, Sir Blaze, that tree you were looking for is just a myth. No one knows if it really exists or not," Zagar said to Blaze, which caught the latter's attention. "So, no one has seen it in person yet?" Blaze inquired. "Honestly speaking, no one even dares to seek for the tree of life," Zagar answered while pouring another batch of beer into Blaze's tankard. "Why?" Blaze questioned again before sipping from his tankard and waiting for Zagar's answer. "Because there are superstitious beliefs that are being passed down from our ancestors to every generation. And the elders here said that the tree of life may or may not cure an illness of the one asking for it because the tree itself checks the heart of the one asking to be cured. If that creatures' heart is pure, then the tree will heal him or her. However, if the heart is impure, the tree will curse the one who asked for a miracle," Zagar said to Blaze before chugging his sixth batch of beer. "I see. Then, that means I will not be cured?" Blaze whispered as he grit his teeth. "Hmm? I'm sorry, did you say something?" Zagar asked, his cheeks a bit reddish due to the strong effect of the beer. "Nothi~" Blaze was about to say something to Zagar when someone interrupted their conversation. "Fear not, prophesied hero, it is just a superstitious belief," an old female voice interrupted between Zagar and Blaze's conversation, which caught the attention of both men, so they turned around and saw an old woman with grey hair, a height of 4'11", wrinkled face and skin, but her bright smile still lingers on her lips. "Gran Anciana!" Zagar yelled as soon as he saw the old woman and stood up from his chair. He even stumbled at first due to being drunk, but he immediately regained his balance and knelt on the ground as he bowed his head while facing the old woman. By how Zagar acts in front of this old woman, that should mean that this woman has a higher position in this village than the Chief, Zagar, himself. Blaze thought to himself, but he did not stand up nor bow his head in front of the woman. "Gran Anciana, I am glad you are able to join us for this welcoming celebration we had prepared for our guests," Zagar said while still bowing his head. "Of course, I will join this celebration. After all, I want to meet the prophesied hero. Besides, I also have to make sure that you will not let yourself get drunk again," the old woman said sternly while smiling at Zagar, but Blaze can still sense her superiority as she speaks. "Yes, Gran Anciana, I will not allow myself to be drunk tonight," Zagar replied, but his hiccup failed his act. "Right," the old woman said, then she ignored the Chief as he started blabbering about things that Blaze could not even understand. "I apologize for what my grandson has shown to you tonight, Sir," the old woman said while looking at Blaze and smiling genuinely. As soon as Blaze saw her expression, he just nodded his head at her and drank his beer again. This is a strong beer. No wonder Zagar looks like that right now. Blaze thought to himself and placed his half-filled tankard back on the table. "Prophesied hero, may I speak with you in private?" the old woman said to Blaze, and he just raised his eyebrow at her. "I do not know you," Blaze said and drank all of his beer in his tankard. "Ah, yes. Sorry for the late introduction. My name is Zolaida. I am the current Chief's grandmother and the Gran Anciana of this village," Zolaida introduced herself, and Blaze noticed that she was trying to force herself to kneel on her right knee, but her body was already shaking and Blaze could see the struggles on her face. "Stop. You're too old for some customary," Blaze coldly said to Zolaida without looking at her. But, as soon as Zolaid heard that, she could not stop herself from smiling as she looked at Blaze. "Thank you, Sir, and forgive me if I could no longer kneel in front of you," Zolaida apologized and gave her smile at Blaze. "So, what do you want to talk about?" Blaze asked as he looked around the area where he could see all of the villagers, including Zoleta, Henson, and Havie, are enjoying the party while eating, drinking, and talking with their friends. Blaze also noticed that Scarlette was also enjoying herself as she sat beside Zoleta, who kept talking to her as if she was a long-time friend. "I have overheard your conversation with my grandson about the tree of life. Is it true that you are searching for the mythical tree of life?" Zolaida asked, and Blaze just nodded his head at her. "I see. Then, I guess you have the right to know more about the said tree," Zolaida whispered, but Blaze still heard her, which made him curious. "What do you mean? What is it that I should learn about the tree of life?" Blaze questioned while looking at Zolaida. The old woman took a deep breath first before looking back at Blaze. "There is a rumor going on around the whole world that the tree of life is located where everything started," Zolaida said, which made Blaze furrow his forehead. "What started?" Blaze inquired. "This. Everything that is happening right now in this world. It all started when the demons suddenly emerged from below the earth and started occupying each land around the world, and so far, I think there are at least fifty countries that have been fully occupied by the demons, and 40 countries are still fighting against the demons, but there is a small chance of winning against the demons," Zolaida explained. "And this country?" Blaze inquired, and the old woman just shook her head while closing her eyes. "This has been five hundred years ever since the demons started occupying the lands of this country, but as you can see, there are still hidden villages, like ours, that the demons have not breached yet, and we will do everything we can to protect this place and forest," Zolaida replied. "But, now that you are here, the prophesied hero, it will be much easier for all of us to fight back against the demons," Zolaida said and smiled at Blaze.

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