Chapter 3

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*A WEEK LATER* *THIRD PERSON’s POV* As the sun rise up, the sunlight passed through the broken window and hit Blaze’s face which instantly woke him up. “Ugh, what time is it?” Blaze mumbled as he pushed himself to get up while rubbing his left eye. As soon as his mind has completely woken up, he looked around the room and noticed that he is still staying in the wooden hut where he encountered a weird and terrifying monster last week evening. “Sh*tty morning to me, I guess, ” Blaze uttered as he looked at the papers properly arranged on top of the bed. These are the papers he gathered inside this room and at the same time, Blaze has started investigating the whole forest, adding more papers on the pile. He even managed to talk to some humans on the other side of the river where he always hunts for his food. Blaze climbed down the bed and yank the katana with him. He went out of the room and noticed a pile of ashes on the ground. “Ahh that d*mn demon left his garbage here, ” Blaze commented as he looked at the ashes that the demon he killed last week left after burning. He decided to just ignore it again and get out of the hut to hunt for his breakfast. Blaze wandered around the forest to look for fruits or other edible plants and luckily, he did found an apple tree with enough fruits to feed his grumbling stomach. “This should be enough for a snack, ” Blaze whispered and started harvesting the apples. He grab three apples before going to the river and grab his wooden spear hidden in one of the trees. “Blaze!” A man’s voice called out the name of Blaze so he looked around and saw two men standing on the river bank and waving their hands. Blaze simply nodded at them and went back to fishing, he already caught two fishes and he still needs four more for his lunch and dinner. Blaze ignored the men calling him but then he got distracted when he heard those two screaming frantically. Blaze looked at the men and saw a black demon approaching them. “A-Ahh!!! Demon!!! It’s a demon!!!” The man with a white beard screamed and started running but the demon attacked him first and ended up killing him by biting half of his body off. While the younger man was frozen in his feet, trembling as he looked up to the demon chewing half of the older man’s body. “D-Dad,” the younger man uttered and his body could no longer handle the fear as it slumps down to the ground while his eyes are fixed on his father’s corpse. The demon has finished eating his meal so it turned around and faced the younger man. “Sh*t,” Blaze uttered as he slowly walks towards the young man and the demon. The demon suddenly roared and started running towards the man who is still frozen in his feet. Without any hesitation, Blaze runs towards the demon while he throws his spear aside and he grab the handle of the katana and pulled out the blade which immediately sets on fire. “A-Ah....ahhh...n-no,” the younger man stuttered and trembled as he saw the demon running towards him. The demon once again roared as it closes in to the young man so the man covered himself with his hands as his tears started falling on his cheek. He waited for the excruciating pain but it never happened so he slowly opened his eyes and removed his hands. What he saw in front of him left hin dumbfounded. He saw Blaze’s sword burning in red orange flames as the demon’s body was cut in half vertically and burning. The young man felt so relieve to be alive to the point that he ended up peeing in his pants, his body still trembling. Blaze simply looked at him before walking back to the spot where he hid his hunts. Now I have to make another spear. Blaze thought to himself as he picks up his two fishes and walks back to the hut while the young man was just looking at Blaze, specifically at his katana. “T-That’s just like... the one s-spoken in the l-legend,” the young man whispered as he tries his best to stand up and even though his body is still trembling, he runs back to his village to tell everyone about the man who saved him, the man who can use the flaming sword, the man that was foretold to be the hero that will defeat the demons and free the humans. Blaze walks back to the hut and gathered some firewood to use for his cooking. Blaze knocked the fishes out and used his sharpened knife to remove the scales and innards of the fishes. Blaze looked at the knife that he is using. He remembered how he found such thing lying beside a torn limb in the forest, a day after he started living inside the hut. Blaze decided to brush the thought aside or else he might puke even before he ate something. He then grabs the sticks he prepared beforehand and pokes the sticks to the fishes he caught and put them over the fire. “Guess I’ll have to wait for a few more minutes,” Blaze whispered to himself and looked around then he saw a fallen branch. Its length is perfect for making a spear. Blaze thought to himself and so he stood up and grabbed the branch. As he was about to walk back to his mini campfire, he felt someone nearby and heard some footsteps, so he threw the branch away and grabbed the handle of the katana as he quietly observed his surroundings. The footsteps grew louder and louder as time ticks by, then it was followed by the sound of something breaking, like a piece of wood or a small branch, so Blaze turned around and face the forest. D*mn it! I haven't had my breakfast yet and these f*cking demons just keep showing up! Blaze thought to himself as he clenches the katana’s handle tighter. The footstep came louder and clear so Blaze braced himself for an attack but then what he saw surprised and confused him. It was a woman with a blonde messy hair. She’s limping and the hem of her clothes are all torn off while her the lower part of her skirt has blood on it. The woman looked up to Blaze and as soon as he met her eyes, he felt something inside him, like a good luck hunch. “H-Help, ” the woman croaked and reached out her right hand but due to her weakened state, her body fell over, and her face slammed to the ground. “Hey, ” Blaze called out as he slowly walks towards the woman, his right hand still holding on to the handle of the katana. “Hey!” Blaze called again and used his left foot to turn the girl over. As soon as he successfully did, he got a good view of the woman’s face. A round face that suits its perfectly shaped nose, plump lips, long eyelashes, clear skin but dirtied by the ground where she fell face first. “Hey! Woman, get up! This is not the place to sleep,” Blaze called out again but still, the woman is unconscious. Blaze started to check the woman first if she was a demon or not, and as soon as he has confirmed that she is indeed a human, Blaze carried him back to the but and let her rest on the bed. He then prepared a glass of clean water just in case the woman woke up then he left the room and waited outside. Blaze spent the whole morning walking around the forest, searching and asking for more information about his location and a way to get back to his own apartment at South Bermondsey, London. “Hey, mister, can I ask you something?” Blaze asked a random man walking with his two horses. “Yes, sir?” the man replied. “Uh, what is this place called?” Blaze questioned. ”Ah, you’re a traveller? This forest is called the Devee Ka Jangal,” the man answered. “Devee Ka Jangal? What does that mean?” Blaze asked again. “Well, this is where the last Goddess was sighted so the people here called it Devee Ka Jangal or the forest of the Goddess,” the man answered and Blaze simply nodded his head to him. Where on earth is this place? Blaze questioned on his mind. “Then, uhm, do you know the way back to South Bermondsey, London?” Blaze asked once more but the man just looked at him full of confusion. “I’m sorry young traveller but I do not know such a place even existed here in Drahnvia,” the man replied. “Drahnvia? What is that?” Blaze asked again. “You’re a weird man, young traveller, you don’t know this country’s name? Haha I suggest you stop travelling or else you’ll die here. Well, I’ll be going ahead. I don’t want to stay in this forest at night, the place is known to be housed by demons now,” the man said and tugged his horses to leave so Blaze took a step back to give way. What the hell is this f*cking old man talking about? If this country is called Drahnvia, am I still on earth? But monsters such as demons don’t exist on earth, except on the movies, but this place is housed by demons, so does that mean I’m really in hell or what, did I experience a transmigration or something? Ah sh*t! This is making me insane! Blaze thought to himself before turning his back and walking back to the hut. Blaze slammed the door open and saw the woman walking her way out of the room. “T-Thank you...for saving me,” the woman uttered but Blaze did not pay any attention to her. “You’re good now so leave,” Blaze said with an icy tone. The woman simply nodded her head and slowly walks out of the hut. As soon as the door was closed Blaze went to the room and grabbed the papers he collected for informations. “So I was right. I’m no longer in earth. It’s probably when I was shot by that d*mn b*stard that I ended up here,” Blaze uttered and grit his teeth as he close his fist tightly. “D*mn it! I want to kill those two! I will make then suffer for cheating on me but how am I going to go back!?” Blaze questioned as he slammed his hands on the bed and his eyes are brimming with intense anger as he stared down on the word demons written on the paper. “This is shi—“ Blaze was cut off by a shrieking voice from a woman and he doesn’t know why but his body automatically moved. He run outside and followed the woman’s voice. When Blaze saw the woman whom he helped this morning, he also saw a horde of demons in front of the woman. “What the hell?” Blaze uttered as he looked at the scenery in front of him. “N-No, d-don’t come any c-closer,” the woman stuttered so Blaze looked at her and saw her trembling, her eyes filled with horror and trauma. Tsk! Why am I even here? Blaze questioned himself but nevertheless, he did not left the woman. Blaze run up to the woman and pulled her behind him as he grabbed the handle of the katana’s blade. “Mere human, interfering with my master’s order,” the demon with a pure black skin and armor, talked and glared at Blaze. Now, the f*cking demon is talking? The hell, am I in a stupid fantasy novel!? Tsk! Blaze thought to himself but he shook the thought aside and focus himself on killing the demons in front of him. “Kill them,” the black demon said then the group of demons behind him rushed towards Blaze and the woman. Blaze quickly pulled out the katana and started fighting the demons, slicing and burning each one of them to ashes. He keeps swinging his sword until there’s no more demons left except from the black demon. “, a mere human defying the demons!” the black demon roared and pulled out his humongous black sword and swing it in Blaze’s direction. Luckily, Blaze was able to dodge the attack. “Watch out!” the woman yelled as she saw the sword bending and attacking Blaze once more. “Sh*t!” Blaze uttered as he avoided the attack again. This demon is stronger than those I’ve fought before. What is he? Blaze thought to himself as he swiftly run towards the demon and sliced its back. “Argh!!!” the demon roared. “I am a demon general! I will not be defeated by a mere human!” the demon answered Blaze’s thoughts. “Now you’re reading my mind?” Blaze whispered as he attacked once more and cut off the demon’s left hand followed by him cutting its left limb. “Gwaaah!!!” the demon yelled in pain and attack Blaze but the man avoided the attack and stab the demon at its heart. “You will die, ” the demon whispered and used his right claws to scratch Blaze’s back. “Agh!” Blaze growl in pain as the demon smirked at him and burned on flame and died as Blaze pulled out the blade of the demon’s chest. “Sh*tty demon,” Blaze uttered as he dropped to the ground beside the ashes of the demon he just killed. “Are you alright?” The woman asked and kneeled in front of Blaze but Blaze simply glared at her. “I-I’m sorry,” the woman apologized. “L-Let me help you,” she added and raised her hands, facing towards Blaze and after a second or two, her hand glowed and Blaze felt the pain from his back slowly fading. “There, all done,” the woman said and looked down at her lap. “I’m sorry, you’re hurt because of me,” she said and grip her hands. “I didn’t do it for you,” Blaze coldly replied. “Thank you, for saving me, again,” the woman spoke. As Blaze was about to say something, he felt a stinging pain on his back. “Argh what the hell, it’s still paunful,” Blaze grunted so the woman quickly check his wound and gasp. “T-This is...p-poisoned wound,” the woman said. “What!?” Blaze asked in disbief. “The scratch on your back is poisoned. I’m sorry, I can’t heal this kind of wound,” the woman apologized so Blaze turned around and looked at her. “Who are you anyways? And why did the demons wants you dead?” Blaze asked. “I-I’m...I’m a halfling,” the woman whispered. “Right. What the hell is with that glowing hand? And what’s your name anyways?” Blaze asked. “My name is Scarlette, and I-I can heal wounds,” the woman answered. Heal wounds huh? That will do, until I can find a cure for this poison sh*t. Blaze thought to himself. “I have a proposal for you,” Blaze said and the woman looked at him. “I will protect you and make sure no harm will come to you, but in exchange, you will heal me until I have foound a cure for this poison. Deal?” Blaze offered and waited for Scarlette’s reply. “Y-Yes, I’m fine with that,” Scarlette answered. “Now, I only have to find a way to remove this poison,” Blaze whispered as he stood up, followed by Scarlette. “I-I know something that could remove the poison,” Scarlette suggested so Blaze looked at her, waiting for her words. “The Fluer Smal,” Scarlette said. “What is that?” Blaze asked. “It’s the tree of life, legend says that it can heal any wounds, disease, and poison,” Scarlette answered. “The three of life huh? Fine, it may sound sh*tty but I’d rather give it a try,” Blaze whispered. “Let’s go,” Blaze uttered. “Go where?” Scarlette asked. “To find that tree of life,” Blaze replied and started walking back to the hut, so Scarlette simply followed behind him, leaving the pile of ashes on the forest.
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