Chapter 6

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*THIRD PERSON's POV* Blaze just stared at the old woman in front of him. He did not say anything, instead, he just changed the subject, and asked Zolaida a different question. "So tell me, what do you mean when you said the tree of life is located in the same place where all of this sh*t first occurred? Where is that place exactly?" Blaze asked while looking straight into the old woman's eyes with his cold and emotionless eyes. Zolaida took a glimpse around them and noticed that there are other villagers nearby, so she did not answer the question of Blaze yet. "Sir, may I invite you to talk in private? Please," Zolaida replied to Blaze and started walking towards her hut, which made the man curious as he furrowed his forehead, but then he knew that he will not receive any answer from the old woman if he just stays there, so Blaze stood up from his seat and followed Zolaida, leaving Zagar on the ground lying down and snoring already. Blaze and Zolaida walked in silence as the noise from the party slowly fades. And after a few more steps, Blaze and Zolaida finally stopped in front of a hut that could accommodate at least two persons only with its small size. The hut is made of straws from wheat, rice, rye, and oats, just like the other huts in the village of Sfaira. The straws are tightly tied together using a rope.  Blaze observed the hut and he noticed from the outside that it does not have any doors, instead there is only a curtain made of white fabric that covers the open door.  They should learn how to wash and change their curtains. Blaze thought to himself as he noticed that the fabric attached at the open door was filled in dirt and has a dirty white-yellowish color already. "This is my house. Come on, let's go inside," Zolaida said with a smile on her lips and the two of them entered her house. As soon as Blaze entered the hut, he immediately noticed that the ceiling is too low for him, so he slightly lowered his head and walked inside. "Please, just sit wherever you want," Zolaida said, so Blaze looked around and saw a wooden rocking chair with a bag made of sack on top of it, one wooden bed, and one window. He also noticed that there is a small kitchen area with a small wooden table and one wooden chair. After scanning the area, Blaze walked towards the bed, and as soon as he sat on it, the bed creaked. "Oh, that's right. Would you like some tea?" Zolaida offered, but Blaze just shook his head as an answer. "Coffee? Water? Anything?" Zolaida inquired again but still, Blaze just shook his head, so Zolaida smiled at him and approached the rocking chair. Then, she picked up the bag and placed it at the side of the chair. After that, she climbed on the rocking chair and started rocking herself while looking at Blaze. Blaze looked at Zolaida and saw her looking outside the small window near her rocking chair. "Hey, old woman, you haven't answered my question yet. What do you mean when you said the tree of life is located in the same place where all of this sh*t first occurred? Where is that place exactly?" Blaze repeated his question again which caught Zolaida's attention. The old woman looked at Blaze with a small smile on her lips before answering his question. "The demons first arrived in the country of Drahnvia," Zolaida answered which surprised Blaze, but his expression immediately changed into confusion and curiosity. "Drahnvia? Isn't that the name of this country?" Blaze questioned and Zolaida just nodded her head at him. "Then, how come this whole country is still not fully occupied by the demons?" Blaze asked again. It doesn't make sense. If the demons first arrived here, then this country should be flooding with demons already, so why is this village still standing and unharmed by demons? Blaze asked in his mind while looking at Zolaida. "I know you are confused and asking some questions in your head, but there is a reason why the demons have not fully occupied this country yet," Zolaida said to Blaze. She stopped rocking her chair and sat on it properly before she took a deep breath and looked at Blaze. "This country is called Drahnvia and it is one of the four most holy lands in the whole world," Zolaida started. "Most holy lands?" Blaze inquired while creasing his forehead. "Yes, and the reason why it is called as a holy land is that this is where one of the four trees of life is located," Zolaida said. I see so that is why it is a holy land. It's not because of some religious sh*t, but because of the d*mn tree itself. Blaze thought to himself. "And the reason why the demons have not fully occupied this country yet is that the remaining power of the tree of life itself is still fighting back against the power of the demons," Zolaida added. "How does that work?" Blaze asked again because he could not understand how a tree fights against the demons. "Well, you see, the tree of life is not just some ordinary tree. There is a legend that the tree is the gateway of the angels to come into this world. They can pass through the tree and go from heaven into this world in just a blink of an eye. And every time these angels showed themselves to a human or any creature from this world, they always gave us all hope. The angels became the reason why the faith of every creature in this world has increased, and with the hope and faith that all of the creatures are holding in their hearts, it gave power to the tree of life itself to sustain the balance of light and darkness in this world," Zolaida explained to Blaze who just nodded his head at her, and continued listening to her. "I even remember my grandmother used to tell me a story where her grandfather was able to met an angel while he was offering his first harvest in front of the tree of life itself, right after a blizzard hit this country," Zolaida stated while Blaze just listened to her talk as he heard her said someone saw the tree of life in person. "She said that her grandfather always spoke that an angel is a man with exquisite beauty. He also described the angel to look so majestic with its huge white wings, and every time its wings flap, a strong gush of wind covers the entire country," Zolaida stated again. "I am not interested in angels or whatever. Just tell me how can I go to that tree of life as soon as possible," Blaze commanded. "Ah, well, I have to apologize to you Sir, because my grandmother never told me the way to the tree of life, so I could not help you when it comes to that," Zolaida apologized. "Tch, so this is just a waste of time," Blaze whispered, and since Zolaida is already an old woman, she didn't hear what Blaze said. But, I guess it is still better to collect some information about this tree of life so I can do some plans while searching for that tree. Blaze thought to himself. Then, he recalled something that Zolaida mentioned earlier. "Wait, you said earlier that there are four trees of life in this world?" Blaze questioned and Zolaida just nodded her head at him while smiling. "Tell me where the other three is located," Blaze commanded. "There are four trees of life in every major direction of this world. In the north, there is a tree of life in the country of Nahazzi. In the south, it is located in the country of Fredeo. In the east is here, Drahnvia. And in the west is in the country of Spintia. All of these trees are thousands of miles apart from each other, but all four trees are aligned together, forming a cross which signifies holiness," Zolaida responded to Blaze. "Tsk! Then, the nearest tree of life is the one located here in Drahnvia," Blaze commented and Zolaida just nodded her head at him. "It is also the only safest tree of life left," Zolaida added which caught the attention of Blaze. "What do you mean?" Blaze inquired. "As I said earlier, the hope and faith of the people gave power to the tree of life to balance the light and darkness in this world. But with the increasing number of victims of the demons, and the increasing number of demons, the hope and faith of all creatures in this world is slowly fading as time goes by, which weakens the power of the tree of life, and when it is completely drained of its power, then the tree of life will slowly die. And right now, there is a rumor that only one tree of life remains, and that is the one located here in Drahnvia," Zolaida replied to Blaze. "Then, I guess I don't really have a choice but to seek this tree of life as soon as possible and as quick as I can," Blaze whispered to himself and clenched his fists. Then, Blaze looked at Zolaida and asked her a question. "Do you really have no idea how to find the tree of life?" Blaze asked Zolaida again. "I'm sorry, Sir, I really don't have any idea," Zolaida answered while shaking her head. "Tch...fine. Then, at least tell me if you know someone who does," Blaze said while looking at Zolaida's eyes without showing any emotions. "Base from what my ancestors told me, there is only one race who has a strong connection with the angels and that is the halflings or also known as half angels and half humans," Zolaida answered. "Halflings?" Blaze asked for confirmation and Zolaida nodded her head at him. Then, without any warning, Blaze stood up from the bed and walked out of Zolaida's hut. "Wait, Sir!" Zolaida tried to call Blaze's attention but he did not bother looking back at her or even thanking her, he simply strode his way back to where the other villagers are enjoying the party while drinking, eating, and dancing. As soon as Blaze arrived in the venue, he immediately looked around the place and when he finally saw Scarlette, he walked straight to her and grabbed her left arm. "Ouch!" Scarlette complained as Blaze tightened his grip around his slender arm. Then, he dragged her away from the other villagers who are just staring at the two of them, worried about the woman's situation, but none of them tried to help Scarlette because they are afraid of the possibility that the hero might get pissed at them and ignore their safety. "Hey mister, please let go of my arm!" Scarlette said to Blaze but he did not pay any attention to her, he just kept walking away from the others. Blaze kept dragging Scarlette towards the forest, away from the villagers. After a few more steps while enduring the painful grip from Blaze, the two of them finally stopped walking and Blaze let go of Scarlette's arm. The woman caressed her left arm as she hold her tears back while looking at Blaze's cold eyes. "Why did you not tell me that only halflings such as yourself knows the way to the tree of life? Huh?" Blaze interrogated Scarlette who immediately trembled from his angry tone. "I-I'm sorry...I-I did not tell y-you b-because I a-also do not k-know where t-to find the t-tree," Scarlette answered with a trembling voice but Blaze do not believe her. "Oh, really?" Blaze replied in a mocking tone of voice. "I-I swear! I am telling the truth, Sir! Halflings are are known to be creatures who cannot lie, so I assure you, I really do not know where the tree is located," Scarlette answered to Blaze while the latter is just staring straight into her eyes as if reading her soul through those pair of light blue eyes. When Blaze confirmed that the woman is telling the truth, he took a deep breath and turned his back at the woman, and clenched his fists. Scarlette saw how Blaze's hands are closed into a tight fists, and she knew that the man is just bothered by having poison inside his body, and she is blaming herself for what happened to Blaze. "I-I'm sorry, Sir," Scarlette apologized to Blaze, but the man did not even say anything in return to her. "I-I know I am not that powerful when it comes to combat, but I promise I will help you with all I have," Scarlette said and tried to reach for Blaze's hand but he started walking back towards the venue of the party. "Let's go back," Blaze said without looking at Scarlette so the woman just took a deep breath and followed Blaze. What is wrong with me? Why did I had that feeling like I wanted to touch his hand? Ah, maybe because I just want to reassure him that I will help him  get cured and maybe because I just felt guilty for what happened to him. Scarlette thought to herself while they are walking back. "Scarlette! Are you alright?" Zoleta asked as soon as Scarlette and Blaze returned from the forest. "I am fine, Zoleta. Sorry for making you worry about me," Scarlette answered to Zoleta with a smile. "Well, I wouldn't be worried if this man did not dragged you like a piece of twig blocking his way," Zoleta said while pointing her finger at Blaze. "Zoleta! Watch your mouth! Do not talk like that to the hero!" Henson lectured his cousin. "Sir, I apologize for what my cousin has spoken, she's just drunk that's why she is talking nonsense right now," Henson apologized to Blaze who just stared at Scarlette who is also smiling at Zoleta while the two women are talking to each other. "Oho? Why are you looking at Scarlette like that, huh? Blaze?" Zoleta suddenly spoke which surprised Scarlette and Henson because the woman just called the prophesied hero with his name. Blaze did not say anything and just stared at Zoleta who is smirking at him right now. "I am truly sorry, Sir. Please, bestow your mercy to my cousin. She is drunk now so I will take her back to her hut," Henson said as he kneeled on his right knee while bowing his head. Then, Zoleta just laughed at Henson while staggering, so Scarlette has no choice but to hold Zoleta and help her balance herself. "Oh no, no, no. I am not drunk yet! Come on! Let's drink some more!" Zoleta said and grabbed Scarlette's hand, then she pulled Scarlette towards a vacant table and gave her a tankard. "Go on! Drink some beer!" Zoleta said to Scarlette. "B-But, I do not drink this kind of drinks," Scarlette said and smiled sheepishly to Zoleta. "The more reason you should try our beer. Among the villages and cities in Drahnvia, the beer made from this village is the best beer ever!" Zoleta proudly said while raising her tankard, and after talking she chugged down her beer. Scarlette watched how Zoleta drank her own beer before looking at her tankard. "Uhm, I guess I should give it a try," Scarlette said and Zolete just finished her beer and nodded her head at Scarlette. "You will not regret it," Zoleta whispered to Scarlette. Then, Scarlette raised her tankard and took a deep breath before she drank every drop of beer from her tankard. "Woah!" everyone around them commented as they secretly watched Scarlette chugging down her beer, which caught Blaze's attention. "What's with the fuss over there?" Henson asked while looking at the table where Zoleta and Scarlette are sitting down. "Uh, Sir, If I may ask. Does that woman who accompany you, ever had a cup of beer before?" Henson asked Blaze while looking at Scarlette, same as to Blaze. "I don't think so," Blaze answered and took his eyes off of Scarlette before drinking his own beer. "Oh no. She drank every drop of it," Henson commented while watching Scarlette and his cousin enjoying their beers, and he also noticed that the two ladies are already drunk, Zoleta with her fourth tankard of beer, and Scarlette with her first tankard of beer in her entire life. Blaze and Henson also noticed that the villagers, especially men, started sitting on the same table with Zoleta and Scarlette, and as if on cue, both men stood up from their seats and sat beside Zoleta and Scarlette. "Here you go, Miss," a male villager gave Scarlette another tankard of beer, but when Scarlette was about to reach for it, Blaze took it first and drank the all of it. The men were surprised by Blaze's action. "Hahaha! Don't even try hitting on Scarlette, she already have a man," Zoleta said while laughing at the men's facial expression.  "I'm sorry, Sir. Please, excuse us, I will take my cousin to her hut now," Henson said and carried his cousin, who immediately falls asleep while Henson is carrying her back to her hut. "Tch!" Blaze uttered as he took another tankard of beer that is placed in front of Scarlette from another man. These d*mn b*stards! Blaze thought to himself while drinking the beer.  Tsk! Why am I doing this anyway? Blaze thought to himself again as he placed the empty tankard back on the table.  "Don't even try giving another beer to this woman," Blaze coldly muttered towards the men, who immediately left the table after hearing his voice. "Then, how about you take this tankard of beer for her?" a woman's voice said and another tankard of beer was placed in front of Blaze, and as he looked at the woman who gave the beer to him, he saw Havie looking at him. "I was supposed to give that to Scarlette since she asked me to get her another beer, but it seems like she could no longer handle the effect of it," Havie said while looking at Scarlette who is now staggering while sitting. Blaze also noticed it so he reached for her head and let her lean on his shoulder. Havie was a bit surprised with what Blaze did, but she did not say anything, instead, she just watched Blaze as he finished the tankard of beer that she gave to him. "I guess you can handle your own liquor too," Havie commented as Blaze placed down the tankard on the table. "Would you like another beer?" Havie asked Blaze, but he could no longer hear her clearly because he is already drunk. "Uhm, are you drunk already? Just how many tankard did you finish tonight?" Havie inquired while looking at Blaze. "S-Seven," Blaze answered and hiccuped. Havie smiled as she saw Blaze staggering with the effects of the beer on him. "Alright, we will take you to your huts now," Havie said and called Henson who just came back from running his way to Zoleta's hut. "Henson! Help me with these two please," Havie said and pointed at Scarlette and Blaze. "Eh? But I just came back from Zoleta's hut, and that woman is so heavy," Henson complained but Havie just raised her eyebrow at him. "Alright, alright. I will help you," Henson said and placed Blaze's arm over his shoulder while Havie did the same with Scarlette. Then, they both carried the two drunk persons towards the hut that was prepared for them. "Their hut was prepared already at the west side of the village, near the river," one of the elder member of the villagers informed Henson and Havie so they both thanked the woman and brought Scarlette and Blaze towards the location that the elder woman said to them. "So, where is the hut prepared for Sir Blaze?" Henson asked as soon as they arrived in the location, but they only found one hut. "I don't know. There's no more huts around here, so I guess these two should be sleeping under one hut," Havie replied to Henson, which made the man blushed. "T-They will sleep under one hut? But they're drunk," Henson said and Havie just looked at him and saw him blushing under the moonlight. "Well, they're not children anymore, so I guess it's alright for them to do that," Havie replied and went inside the hut. Then, she placed Scarlette on the bed, and stepped aside for Henson to place Blaze beside Scarlette. "We should go now," Havie said and dragged Henson out of the hut. Then, she closed the door of the hut and dragged Henson away from the hut where two drunk persons are resting right now.
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