Chapter 49

1242 Words

Fear slivers up my spine and threatens to strangle me. How in a few short days my entire life has crashed and burned, and now I’m left with the rubble of desolation. “Do you think he will?” I ask him and he shrugs. “Depends. It’s hard to say with Zeke. He’s unpredictable. Zeke will probably make you suck him off, or maybe wank him when you have to bathe him.” He says like it is no big deal and completely normal to speak of someone’s torture. Bile rises in my throat and a sliver of hope fills me when an idea occurs to me and I roll to face him. “Can I keep Gnash for the night?” I ask him. “Definitely not!” he says quickly, and I press my lips in a line to stop them from quivering because he shut me down and squashed that hope so quickly without even considering it. Getting up, I move t

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