Chapter 43

1601 Words

He takes his seat behind the huge wooden desk and opens up another device. Turning back to the room, I find Zeke and Lyon both watching me. “Don’t be scared, Human. I can be nice! It’s a struggle, but for my dear brother, I can endure your presence without killing you,” Zeke taunts, yet his words set me more on edge. I move to the stool near the bookshelves in the far corner of the room and away from them. I have just sat down when I hear the door push open to the balcony and Shadow rushes inside; he sniffs the air, head turning in each direction when he spots me sitting on the stool with Gnash at my feet. His tail wags excitedly and he bounds into the room. A smile splits onto my face, seeing his excitement, and I pat my leg for him to come to me. “Shadow, here now.” Lyon snaps at his

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