Chapter 29

1600 Words

The King had a schedule set up on a board when I entered the dining hall, a calendar of sorts, and I gulp back the dread when I see today I will be once again with Regan. He did not look happy about it at all as he sat glaring at the board like he could set it on fire if he just glared hard enough. “Zirah, finally you’re here!” “Unfortunately! I was hoping she choked in her sleep!” Zeke sneers, glaring at me. “Maybe if I’m lucky, you’ll choke on that damn ego of yours!” I spit back at him as I take my seat beside King Theron. “Moon Goddess, why didn’t I make his mother swallow him?” King Theron mutters to the roof as he rubs his temples. I snort a laugh and Zeke mutters something, turning his gaze away while Lyon looks appalled at his father’s words. “As I was saying to my sons befor

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