Chapter 23

1358 Words

Stepping out and into the corridor, we pass the human’s room to see her door open and the room empty. Zeke walks in to quickly see if Hunter remained coming back out angry when he realizes he went with her. Leaving our wing, we make our way to the dining hall, only to find her and Shelley on the main floor. I just can’t seem to escape this woman. We follow the Human to the dining hall. My eyes trail over her. The clothes she is wearing reeked of Shelley’s scent. I hate it. I couldn’t stand Shelley; she had changed since my mother was killed. She blames me. They all do. Just none of them are willing to say it to my face except Zeke, let alone voice it out loud. And smelling Shelley's scent all over the human, for some reason, repulsed me. Something about the girl intrigued me, something I

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