Chapter 20

1267 Words

“I guess you now know my predicament as to why I can’t wear dresses?” she nods her eyes wide as she takes in the runes, covering my arms. Her lips tug up in the corners and she lets out a breath. “On your chest?” “Nobody knows, only the late Queen. Your secret is safe with me.” “As yours is with me. Malachi said the Kings hate witches. Somehow, I think your dresses will get me killed long before I can escape here.” “You want to run? You’ll do it?” “Well, I am certainly not marrying one of them.” Her brows furrow and she slowly nods, her eyes darting to Hunter at my feet. “The King is going away soon…” she peers back at the closed door. “That will be your only chance, if you are taken to one of the three kingdoms…” she looks down at Hunter once more. “You won’t return. They’ll kill yo

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