Chapter 14

1585 Words

Regan POV The loud, incessant rapping on my door makes me groan, as I open my eyes. I glare at the ceiling, wanting to strangle the person banging on my door. Reluctantly, I sit upright and rub my eyes, trying to rid them of the sleep I have just had ruined by the twit banging loudly, their thumps on the door growing not only harder but faster, making me growl. "What?" I yell out to the person ruining my sleep. The door bursts open, and Zeke saunters in, his aura spilling out of him is uncontrollable. Glancing at him, he dressed and ready for the day, until I really took in his outfit, which is more something he would wear to the gym than to work. And my brother doesn’t go to the gym, he is far too lazy for such things, the only exercise he gets is lifting a bottle to his lips, or having

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