Chapter 7

1310 Words

The first man wanders over to me, and I stiffen, my eyes darting to the women beside me, only now I find they’re gone, pressing against the far wall in fear of the three monstrous Kings who have entered. He prowls toward me, circling around me, his bottle of liquor in his hand, sizing me up; he tugs at my dress and flicks my hair while I watch the other man. “Where are the men?” The man who entered last demands, turning to look at Malachi. "The King has changed plans. He has new intentions for the maze this year." Malachi answers, unfazed by the deadly lilt in his tone. “What intentions?” the man asks. “You'll have to take it up with your father, King Regan,I am not at liberty to tell you,” Malachi answers when I feel fingers grip my chin. Unthinkingly, too busy paying attention to the

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