Chapter 61

1742 Words

My entire body is freezing and the walk back seems to stretch on forever. The buzz from using granny’s power has left me exhausted, nearly paralyzed completely. The adrenaline leaves and here comes the low of using magic, the physical and energetic exhaustion. Yet my mind is racing and yet the closer we get to the castle, the more worried I become. I will once again be alone with Zeke. Only this time I am in no position to fight him. Using way too much energy than fathomable I try to sit up in Regan’s arms, his fur tickling my skin as I grip his shoulders. “I can walk,” I tell him, I can’t afford to be lazing around while we walk back, I needed to move and get feeling back in my limbs. But instead of letting me go, Regan just adjusts his grip on me, one hand sliding under my butt as he w

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