Chapter 58

1077 Words

Stepping into the corridor, I find Regan leaving his room, he stops the moment he spots me and I avert my gaze from him to the window, unable to even look at him. After everything he said earlier, that he would help me against Zeke and now he just hands me over to him. It makes me sick. “Z..I” Regan says, touching my arm. I jerk away from his touch. “Don’t call me that, we are not familiar, you made that very clear.” I spit at him Zeke steps out beside me, he glances between us. “Issue?” Zeke purrs seizing my arm. Regan’s jaw clenches and Zeke smiles at me mockingly. “No, don’t we have a date?” I ask him and his smile widens, eyes flashing sinisterly. He pulls me toward the double doors at the end and just as we reach them, I hear Regan’s bedroom door slam, making me peer over my sho

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