Chapter 55

1378 Words

My eyes move to Regan watching us behind her and he nods once, moving toward his office. “You let him?” She questions and I can see the question in her eyes. She wants to know why I would let him touch me. It is clear she knew about his curse. “I’m okay, he didn’t hurt me.” I repeat and she looks at my bloodied sleeve. She moves to push my sleeve up but I stop her. “You can go, I can wrap it myself.” I tell her and her brows furrow. “Hurry, Zeke will be looking for me soon, I have to swap brothers.” I tell her and her eyes widen, she quickly nods her head. Yet saying that while in this state sounds very inappropriate. Amy gives me the first aid kit and rushes out the door. I let out a breath of relief and Regan wanders back out, he leans against his office door frame, folding his arm

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