Chapter 53

1162 Words

“How I’ve missed this!” he growls against my skin. He runs his nose across my abdomen, and my entire body shudders, feeling his warm breath skim across my skin. “I want to taste you!” he purrs, and I blink at him. My mind is trying to comprehend the words he just spoke. “You want to do what? Isn’t that what you were doing?” I ask him, remembering him biting my breast. He laughs softly and shakes his head; his hands grip my knees, and he presses them into the bed, spreading my legs. He growls. This was not what I had planned. I never planned on becoming a Lycan snack. “Remove them!” he growls, but I shake my head, wondering what he could possibly want them off for. “I won’t hurt you,” he says the words so calmly; I almost believe them if not for his words a few seconds ago. “You can’

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