Chapter 29

2063 Words

"What do you feel about him?" Kate asked in a whisper as she fixed her gaze on the teacher, pretending to listen to his boring lectures. "I don't know. He gave me this weird smirk before sitting in front of me. I wonder why he chose to sit close to me," I replied to Kate who diverted her gaze at Damien. She turned to face me and said, "What else do you think is weird about him?" I studied him once again, my brows furrowing with my eyes squinting as it became smaller. "The ring!" I exclaimed while Kate turned to look at his finger. "Okay, that's a little odd too. The rings are crimson like rubies. People who wear them aren't wolves, or humans, they're often vampires. I've learnt a lot about them; it's a daylight ring and I believe it is, because it looks just exactly like it. ''

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