Chapter 26

1893 Words

After closing the door gently behind me, I let out a deep sigh before taking quick short steps to the large sitting room. I noticed my mates were busy and they didn't even notice my presence. Carlos was busy with cleaning the chairs and arranging the plates on the table for breakfast, Xavier wasn't around, he probably must have gone out to get something. Desmond was busy with selecting some fruit wines from the fridge. I stood at a spot, unsure of what to do. I didn't know if I should greet them and act like nothing happened or I should start with apologizing for how I acted silly yesterday. "Oh, you're awake," Desmond muttered as soon as he saw me. I smiled as I shoved away all of my thoughts, trying hard to maintain my composure. "We wanted to urm… wake you up but we felt it's be

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