Chapter 44

1537 Words

After hesitating for a while, Carlos finally said to Cecile. "Give me days to think about it. I am not the type that makes decisions in a hurry." Cecile kept a smug look on her face as she stared at Carlos. She knew full well that he was unsure of the decision to make since it was a tough request. "Alright. If you want some days to think about it then I'm okay with that. But if you don't make your decision within the timeframe of this week then I'm left with no choice but to end my life. I believe you know what happens after that– Camellia dies too," "That's enough!" Carlos growled as he took slow paces towards her. He was getting tired of her threats. "I won't allow you to harm my mate not when I am alive," "I see… It's always your mate. It's always nothing but her. What about me?

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