Chapter 5

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"Join them," one of the guards directed me to a line of girls. We set out to travel immediately, headed to the Lycan's pack. I gave a nod, wondering aloud what they were planning while biting my lip. The females marched with their chins up in a straight line. I followed suit. When a few girls from Goldmoon Pack attempted to flee, they were fatally shot. There were probably about five of us left from Goldmoon pack. There were also other girls forcefully taken from different packs and it was really disturbing. We finally made it to the massive pack of the vicious Lycan Xavier, but by then I was completely worn out and afraid of what lay ahead. "Your name?" Someone called out to me, jolting me out of my daymare. It seemed like they were writing all of our names down to keep track. "C-camelia." As I stood in line with the other girls, I caught sight of one from Goldmoon pack. Her name was Hazel and like me, she was an omega. She was also a maid at the local kitchen. "Hey!" I called out in a whisper. She gave me a scowl and a look of displeasure, probably didn't want the guards noticing our presence. I plucked up the guts to speak with her once more. "I know you want to leave here, but… we all want to. Just follow the rules and we'll make it out alive, I promise." "Thanks!" She muttered this time around with a sad smile and we both walked into the iconic building with the others. The building was significant, large and luxurious. It served as an entrance to the pack and it was made of gold and silver. "Ladies welcome!" A voice spoke abruptly. We all instantly stopped at a spot and stared intently at the person who had spoken to us. "My name is Linda, and I hold a very high position within this castle. As the beast's knight, I command respect and insist that it be given," "We show authority in this fortress by using chess pieces. The Lycan beast is the king, but as of yet, there is no queen. Only the one who is deemed his mate will attain that power," "I understand you're curious as to why, after six years, the selection process still goes on. The reason for this is because Lycan Xavier is yet to find his true mate. Thus, we will keep the selection going till we find her." I took note of her looks; she was wearing a magenta gown with a cloak trailing behind it and gold embroidery on top. "You all will rest today, your trial will start tomorrow. So,….to your rooms." *** When it was night, we were divided into different dimensions. Hazel and I held our feeble hands and comforted each other but we were later dragged to different rooms. As the girls slept that night, my eyes stayed wide open; very much awake. Despite everything, I couldn't help but marvel at how the rest managed to get any sleep. My mind drifted to the incident that happened yesterday with the vampires. I'm a destined mate for Desmond, What does that even mean? The thought of what Lady Gaga had said about me having three mates made my heart race even harder. Okay, I'll admit I'm going crazy as all these were too much to handle. Now I'm trapped here, all because a stupid Lycan beast wants a mate. I haven't even seen him, yet, his name 'Xavier' alone brings shivers down my spine. *** Next day, we were all brought out. We were shown into a sizable dining room and told to take seats based on our numbers. I scurried around the girls seated, looking for Hazel. I sighed after seeing her, knowing she was alright. "Good morning girls!" The Knight, Linda, walked briskly into the room and spoke. "Normally, it's always a systemic survival challenge to get food. But to welcome you, we've specially prepared this buffet," She motioned to the stationed exquisite dishes placed before us. "So, eat to your heart's content, cause today might be the last you enjoy," she added with a cackle. "Strong, smart, tactful, desirability. The one who is destined to be a mate for the beast, has to contain in her those virtuous qualities. If lucky, we'll have a queen in this batch," "Or wait another six years," She stated, looking at a wilted rose in a clear box. The dying rose served as a reminder that his mate was still missing. Rumor has it that the rose will bloom healthily once his true mate is found. I sneered at Linda's words as I chewed on my food. Everyone gasped at her words, frightened at how that sounded. Waiting another six years was no joke. Murmurs filled the whole room. "Silence!" Linda commanded, her authoritative voice echoing in the hall. "I'm not finished yet," "There will be a party tonight. A welcome party for womanhood." She explained and began to pace around, her aura displaying perfection. "More like a tradition that has been held for decades," "Each of you would be dressed beautifully, with hopes of enticing the beast,". My heart thumped hard against my chest. How was it going to go? "I would leave you for now to finish up. Next…" she paused, looking around the room with a strong gaze. "We commence the game of survival." I saw her walk out after one of the guards had the door stretched wide apart. Game of survival? What in the world was that? ***** We were all assembled at the venue of the game. I narrowed my eyes, surprised at where it was staged. It was an ordinary-looking space, hardly a place fit for a competition to hold. "Lovely ladies, welcome!" We all watched as Linda announced to us from the balcony where she stood. I blinked in confusion as I wondered how she got there so fast. There were numerous costumes, pieces of jewelry, cosmetics, accessories and ornaments right in front of us. "The game we're playing today is really easy. There are beauty supplies and products in front of you to help you get ready for the banquet tonight." "There are about A hundred and fifty of you in total." "But…the products are only limited to fifty," She revealed with a smirk as she scanned us. "There aren't many or any rules at this level. You have the right to kill anybody who stands in your way of achieving your goals," Did I just hear her say k-kill? I widened my eyes in fear at her statement. We could kill each other? This didn't make any sense. "When the bell jingles, that's a signal to begin," "Each of you who survives would have points added to your packs. These points would determine who would show up in the great dance tonight to see the beast." "I hope you succeed in that. Good luck Fellas!" she exhaled as she turned to leave, bearing her head proudly. My skin started to get goosebumps. The females exchanged terrified looks with one another. I shot Hazel a comforting glance as she gave me a terrified gaze. "Promise to have each other's back?" I whispered, trying to build any iota of confidence. "I promise!" We have to work together in order for us to survive. I assessed the space by taking note of my surroundings. At the entrance were few weapons. "We'll have to get that first," I said to Hazel, who gave a nod in response. Upon hearing the bell, the majority of the ladies rushed in the direction of the products. "Let's go!" I yelled and we both dragged our weapons. The moment we grabbed some weapons, we started moving toward the remaining products. Hazel and I both grabbed some. An angry-looking girl brandished an ax as she walked up to Hazel. She was going to hurt her. "Hazel, Watch out!" I called out to her, but she could not hear me. Oh no! She was about to hit poor Hazel with the ax. I had to do something. I lunged ahead in fear and hurled my dagger at the lady, causing her to fall to the ground with blood spurting from her neck. D-did I just kill someone? I stood watching in fright. Hazel must have noticed my startled state as she held my hands and closed her eyes fretfully after witnessing the bloody scene. Stealthily, we both tried to move out of the hall which had turned into a bloody warfare. "Thanks Camelia!" Hazel muttered gratefully. "No problem" "Really, thank you" she said again. Had I hesitated back then, she would be lying on the ground instead. "Let's leave now!" I said to her and before we could move, a lady confronted us and threw a dagger towards us fiercely. Luckily, I was quick to duck with Hazel. Hazel and I stood defensively, our backs against each other as we sighted three other girls walking towards us. Their faces were scary and there was blood on their lips and neck. I knew it was the products in our hands they wanted but we couldn't just watch and let them have it. Before they could come any closer, I noticed a long rope at the corner. I grabbed it and twirled it in a spin before hurling it in their direction. It seized them at once, causing them to tumble on the ground. Some ladies walked up to them and smashed their heads before dragging the little products from them. We ran speedily outside with the rest who survived. I could see Linda and her assistants from where we were positioned. It seemed like they had been watching us, because she stood with her head up high, holding the results in her hand. "Welcome to the second phase, ladies," "According to the rule, we only need 50 ladies for the great dance tonight." She snapped her fingers and her assistant came forward with a record on her hand. "Number of competitors and participants of the survival game - 150," She announced. "Total number of participants left; 51," Her assistant retreated back beside Linda after announcing the results to everyone. "This means only one of you has to be eliminated in this round," Linda immediately retreated to the high walls with the guard, blowing a whistle. "Begin!" She yelled. No one made a move to start. Instead, the girls frightfully watched each other's backs carefully. No one was quite sure of what to do. Although everyone knew only a single person had to be eliminated, we were simply scared of being the unlucky one. A sudden yell made me lock hands with Hazel. A girl suddenly hit another girl beside her at the back of her head. The impact caused her to fall on the floor. She then struck the back of her head with a heavy metal, obviously one of the weapons . Hazel held my hands fearfully, terrified to look at the bloody scene. By now, lots of blood was splattered all over the place with the girl's scream echoing all over the room. The struggle continued until she no longer breathed anymore. Everywhere grew cold, the instant we realized she was dead. "Well, well.. we got a brave one here." Knight Lydia came forward, praising the lady with a smile. Her hands were placed on the girl's chin, raising it up to hers. "What's your name?". "Karen," She answered. "Hmm.. interesting. What pack do you come from?" Linda continued. "Bloodyhaters pack," She simply said. I've read and heard of bloodyhaters pack. They are simply bad people that you don't want to double cross. They are skilled warriors and are known to be dangerous. I narrowed my eyes, studying Karen closely. Her eyes were like death itself. "Well, Karen, you just bought your pack some points. Congratulations!" Knight Linda announced with a faint smile.. That made me realize one thing. There was a lot of violence here and no one really cared about your life. For you to be an ideal mate for Xavier, you have to be strong, determined and smart. ***** Once we were done, we were moved to a room filled with musical instruments. Linda introduced a beautiful lady to us. She was dressed in a luxury white regalia and was holding a fluffy white fan. She seemed to be stretching and practicing dancing styles which seemed heavenly. She stopped her dance steps and turned to face us. "Ladies, welcome to my abode. I am Lady Morgana, a dancer in this castle. I will be teaching you the necessary dance for the party tonight" She stated. The fifty of us sat down on the dancing mats, with our legs entwining each other. Backs straight up, chin held up in the air. We were just broken ladies, despite our attempts to project an aura of perfection. "The key to dancing is style. To win, you don't have to be the most appealing person. It all comes down to what you can provide the audience," "Swaying to the symphony of the beat; the beat!" She exclaimed, folding her fan swiftly. "All of you, get up and do as I say," She commanded. We stood up, doing as she said. "On your toes," "1, 2, 3…..1, 2, 3…" Demonstrating, she began to show us how we should go. "In this level, what you have to know is that you're selling your body to the beast. Your soul; all of you. Which means, giving in your very best.". The lady Morgana explained and commanded the orchestra to commence as we practiced. ** About 30 of us were eliminated but Hazel and I stayed with the others, which means we were among the qualified ones to perform tonight. After some few minutes of practice, knight Linda barged in. "Prepare and wear your ornaments!" "The ceremony starts a few minutes from now," We all dashed inside our rooms, dressing elaborately with the beauty products we fought for earlier. As soon as I was dressed, all eyes were on me. I could hear murmurs and gossips from the other ladies. "You're extremely beautiful, Camelia." Hazel said to me as she approached me in a blue ball gown. "So are you." I said, tickling her on the nose. "Alright girls, Time to move out!" Knight Lydia announced. As we walked to perform what we recently rehearsed, I felt my heart pound rapidly. Good thing we weren't given any rules in this round of dance for the beast. Cause I had plans of my own. I was curious to find out more, which meant… "I have to attract the Lycan beast at all costs,"
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