Chapter 12

1351 Words
Kenneth Although her and her friend are sitting right in front of me, I still can't believe she agreed to come with me. The thrill of having her so close is almost unbearable—I want to grab her, claim her, but I remain calmly in my seat. I hadn't intended to reveal my identity last night, but with her, I just couldn't help myself. I wanted her to know exactly who she was dealing with, and the initial shock and fear on her face was absolutely delicious. When she eventually surrendered to me, I indulged in my desire to taste her. I've never loved the flavor of someone so much in my life, and I can't wait to have it again. I lick my lips, savoring the remnants of her. I've been with plenty of girls, but none of them have captivated me in the way she does. As I sit across from her, I can feel my obsession growing, bubbling just beneath the surface. I might have promised to keep her soul intact, but I didn't mean I'd let her go. No, I'll bind her so tightly to me that leaving won't even cross her mind. Before we left, Danielle rewrapped her forearms and put on a green long-sleeved shirt and jeans. I wonder if Maeve knows what she's hiding under those long sleeves. If she's met her mom, she probably has some idea. That misery, that pain—it's something I understand all to well. Initially, I also didn't expect to be taking her on tour with me, at least so early. But once I heard her mom screaming and banging on the door, I felt sick to my goddamn stomach about leaving her there. With me, she won't have to hurt herself. If she craves pain, I'll be the one to give it to her. And eventually, I'll make her see that I'm the only one who can give her what she needs; she'll never have to seek pain elsewhere. Amongst the comfortable silence, Danielle lifts the visor on the window, and I can't help but watch the sunrise. And then I look at her, watching the sunrise, and it takes my f*****g breath away. She's gorgeous, and when natural light washes over her...oh, f**k! Noticing me watching her, her brown eyes meet mine. "I'm shocked. You don't seem like the public transportation type." "Private jets are bad for the environment," I mutter with a shrug. I might not give a f**k about people, but I'm not a goddamn monster. Animals haven't done anything wrong to me. Just because I want the world to burn doesn't mean I want them to go down with it. Her mouth twitches, but she just shakes her head. I wonder what she was about to say, but I don't ask. I think this is the most I've talked in years, and I'm enjoying it. Enjoying her company. Just like I knew I would. She's not some thirsty w***e after my fame and wealth. Danielle's working hard for her degree, and she has a mind of her own. That's why I have to break her in a different way—slowly, carefully, until she realizes her life is better with me. And then I'll piece her back together in a way I see fit. Maeve suddenly stirs in the seat beside Danielle, peeking out from under her pink sleeping mask. Her eyes light up again when she sees me. "Holy s**t. Girl, I thought I was just dreaming. We're really on a plane with Kenneth Knight. I can't believe we won that concert!" I don't know how my little trouble was able to convince her friend that they won some kind of contest to go on tour with the Devil's Knights. Maybe she was too embarrassed to explain what really happened between us. That's fine by me—I'll play along until we're alone. Julio will likely not be happy about my two new guests, but who gives a f**k about his opinion? He's just a manager; he wouldn't be who he is without me. He forgets that sometimes. Plus, Danielle and Maeve aren't anything like the usual wild girls we entertain. He doesn't have to worry about trashed rooms with them, unlike our usual groupies. "Another scotch, please," I grumble to the cabin crew, who nods and disappears down the aisle to fetch my drink. She returns promptly. With a new glass in my hand, I turn back to the two woman sitting across from me. "So, ladies, how did you two meet?" I make small talk, pretending to be interested. In reality, I'm only focused on Danielle. Maeve is in the way of my prize, and I know my little trouble did this on purpose. She's too afraid to be alone with me right now, but soon she'll realize that I'm the only one who understands her. Maeve beams at me. "Freshman year. We're both in medical programs, but I keep telling Danielle she should switch to music." Danielle shoots a glare at her friend, and I raise an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, really? Care to explain?" Maeve nods enthusiastically. "She's an incredible singer. Like, a black Amy Lee." I fight back a smile. I'm very curious about this talent she's hiding. I can tell she's a very private person, but as I already told her, she will give me all of her. I mean, it's only fair we're equally obsessed with each other. "I'd love to hear that sometime," I reply, my voice leveled. Danielle's lips press into a thin line. "I don't sing anymore," she retorts. I can sense the edge in her voice, the kind that comes from a sore spot someone has pressed too many times. I wonder what, or who, made her stop, but I decide not to push it—for now. She's keeping her soul hidden behind a locked door, but what she doesn't know is that I have a way of finding keys, and slowly but surely, I'll unlock every part of her. ------------------------------------------------------------ Thirty minutes later, once we land, I put on my usual disguise: sunglasses and a black hoodie. Before we boarded the plane, I made sure to buy similar gear for the girls. The paparazzi are annoying as f**k, always sticking their cameras where they don't belong, and I don't want them in my damn business. I'll protect the girls' identities just like I protect my own. "Where are we going?" my little trouble asks as we settle into my rental car, a grey 2023 Dodge Charger. "The hotel," I reply, starting the engine. "The crew should be loading the tour bus for the drive to Jacksonville as we speak." "We're really going to be traveling with the band?" Maeve asks in excitement. I nod. "That's the plan." Maeve is another starstruck fan, which I'm used to, but Danielle is different. Instead of being impressed about any of this, she seems uncomfortable, like she's completely out of her comfort zone. I can practically feel the anxiety radiating from her. I snort inwardly, wondering if she still thinks I'm part of some cult, leading her and her friend to their doom. Stereotypical, much? I know I give off a strange vibe to some people, but I didn't think 'devil worshipper' was one of them. It's almost laughable how worried she seems about it. The only entity she should be concerned about me worshipping is her. Ever since last night, the voices in my head have completely gone silent, giving me clarity I haven't felt in a long time. If she can help me escape my demons, I'll do the same for her—even if her demon is her own mother. I steal a glance at her, and she gives me a nervous smile which sends my heart thudding rapidly. The sensation catches me off guard with a sudden rush of awe. Yeah, there's no way I'm letting her go. I don't understand what's happening, but it feels like she's piecing my shattered soul back together, one smile at a time.
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