Chapter 8

1449 Words
Danielle "Are you sure we're not too early?" I ask, peering out the window of Maeve's car at the sparse lineup of cars in the driveway. As someone who doesn't attend parties, I don't want to stick out more by arriving earlier than the typical party goers. Then again, maybe it's a good thing. I don't know how long I'll be able to stay. What if Mom decides to swing the house during one of her breaks to check up on me? I'll need to keep a close my eyes on my phone because I'll only have maybe fifteen minutes to get back if she doesn't keep her ass at work. Hopefully, what Joseph did to my phone will keep her reassured that I'm securely locked in my prison cell. "Trust me, there are more people inside. They just opted for Ubers," Maeve reassures me. Despite the uncertainty settling in my gut, I trust Maeve not to have me out here looking stupid. Dressed in a black and gold long-sleeved midi dress and a matching gold masquerade mask, I trail behind Maeve and Joseph as we enter the house. Just as Maeve said, the house is full with people dancing, drinking, or practically having s*x on the furniture. Now this is a real college experience right here. Joseph clings to my side as we make our way through the crowded beach house. He's wearing jeans paired with a short-sleeved black and navy blue shirt, topped with a black ski mask. Maeve had insisted that Joseph remain as true to himself as possible, refusing to make major changes to his attire. Honestly, if Victoria Jenkins doesn't like it, she can go f**k herself. I actually like Joseph, he's cool peeps. We spoke a bit back at the mall, during which I learned more about him. His mom is battling cancer, and he has three younger siblings to take care of. Outside of school, he engages in small-scale hacking jobs to make ends meet for them. Just like me , he's an introvert through and through, but unfortunately, I've been adopted by an extrovert. And she's been slowly bringing me out of my shell, forcing me to interact with other people. I can see my social battery running out very quickly tonight. Maeve disappeared to go help one of her friends with something, leaving me and Joseph alone. There's too many damn people here, and guys keep coming up to me asking to dance. I'm not drunk enough for that yet, and even if I was, I would still say no to them. The alcohol is giving them gross, pushy vibes and I don't like it. Taking a gulp of my spiked fruit punch, I think about how it's highly unlikely that I'm having any sort of s*x tonight. I glance over at Joseph, and immediately shake my head to myself. No. I can't imagine having s*x with anyone who knows what he knows about my personal life. It's humiliating enough as it is. But I can see myself being friends with him. It would be nice to have another friend like Maeve. My phone suddenly vibrates violently in my pocket, and I retrieve it to see a message from Blake Anderson. Can't wait to see you at the party tonight. Okay, that's creepy as f**k. A shiver travels down my spine. Instead of replying, I shove my phone back into my pocket and return to babysitting my drink. Obviously, accepting this dude's friend request was a mistake. Who even messages on f*******: anymore? "So what do you usually do at these things?" Joseph asks, taking a sip of his drink and grimacing. "You've never been to a party before?" I ask curiously, hoping it doesn't make him feel embarrassed. It's not like I get out a lot either. He shoots me a pointed look. "Does it look like I have?" I silently shake my head. "I prefer the company of computers to superficial people anyway," he admits quietly, his expression shifting with disdain. "Everyone pretends to be someone they're not just to fit. It's repulsive." I feel the same way about music. "Do you want to dance?" I propose, extending my hand. I know it's not conventional for women to ask men to dance, but then again, nothing about the word 'conventional' describes me. I'm far from f*****g normal. He smiles nervously. "Sure," he replies, his voice barely audible over the loud music thrumming through the house. Taking my hand, we travel to the center of the living room. Nervousness practically radiates from him as he places his hands on my hips from like three feet away. "We're not in middle school. You can move closer," I shout above the music. Understanding dawns on his face, and he closes the gap, taking three steps forward. "Like this?" When I nod, he asks, "now what?" I shrug, a grin spreading across my face. "Sway to the beat. Wave your hands. Sing. Whatever your heart tells you to do." Just like I do when Kenneth's songs makes me feel alive. It's crazy how I speak of him as if I know him on some type of a personal level. I'm merely just a new fan who became kinda obsessed with him after he licked my finger. Initially, Joseph bobs his head, awkwardly attempting to synchronize his movements to the music. But as I take the lead, wrapping my arms around his neck, I guide him while swaying my hips between his hands. This is f*****g fun. Much more fun than I ever anticipated having at a party. In this moment, I honestly hope this night never ends. I don't want to go back to my f****d up life. We dance for what seems like forever until my dress clings uncomfortably to my sweaty back. This is definitely not the most ideal dress for such a hot and crowded environment, but I'm used to being uncomfortable like this. Even in this dark house, only illuminated by pulsating disco lights, I don't want anyone to see my f****d up arms. "Ooh, there's Vicky. Do you think I should go up and talk to her?" Joseph suddenly says, halting our rhythm. Even behind her mask, the way everyone congregates around her gives away her identity. Vicky is popular as hell for whatever reason. I'm pretty sure she goes to every VA college party, regardless of the campus. Apparently, she has nothing better to do with her time. "No, let her come to you," I reply, turning around to press against his groin. I don't like any attention on me, but I'm willing to make an exception for Joseph, just this once. It's the least I could for helping me get this one night of freedom from my mom. "Grip my hips and rock with me," I instruct firmly. He does as instructed, and thanks to my liquid courage and the mask concealing my identity, I dance my ass off. Swaying my hips, throwing my head back, and practically humping him through his clothes, I can feel him growing hard against me, and honestly, I'm a bit turned on myself. Perhaps I might just abandon my resolve and have s*x with him tonight before I'm inevitably forced back into my cage. "She's looking," he whispers, his hot breath grazing my neck, warming my core even more. I glance over and sure enough Victoria Jenkins is staring right at us, surrounded by her cult of pretentious bitches. They watch our provocative dance with disgust, but I can tell Vicky wants a turn. "Make it look like you're rejecting me," I whisper, twisting around to face him. He hesitates, uncertainty clouding his eyes, but ultimately he follows my lead, putting his trust in me. I lean in to kiss him, and he immediately pushes me away. Feigning a look of disappointment, I murmur a soft "good luck" to him before heading to the bar. As planned, eventually Vicky approaches him, leading him through the crowd of people. Whether they're just going to dance or f**k is anyone's guess. That's what girls like her do, claim everything that appears hard to get. Maeve greets me with a smile as I rejoin her, her eyes glimmering with amusement. "That was quite the show, I'm f*****g flabbergasted. Where did you learn to dance like that?" I snort. "I don't know. I guess a mix of movies and my depravity." She chuckles, mixing me another spiked punch and sliding it over. "I thought we were trying to get you laid tonight," she remarks with a teasing smirk. I laugh, taking another swig of my drink. "Well, at least someone will be."
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