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THALIA'S POV. 'What are you doing? Don't even think about it, Thalia!' Nova warned in my head, her voice full of worry for me, but my legs seemed to have minds of their own as they slowly and cautiously approached the door. 'I won't do anything, Nova. I just want to get close enough to take a tiny peek, and that's all. I promise.' I tried to reassure Nova, and she went silent. I was only a few steps away from the door when someone called out to me, causing me to freeze in my tracks. 'I warned you.' Nova whispered in panic, and I ignored her as I gathered the courage to turn around and face them. "I've been looking all over for you, Luna. Beta Greene asked me to get you something to eat. When I got to your room, it was empty." The girl in a maid uniform said with a smile, and I nodded frantically. "I... I'm sorry; I think I've gotten lost." I said quickly to throw her off any kind of suspicions. The last thing I need is for that insane alpha to find out I was caught snooping around. Which reminds me, I still need to find the missing page from Alpha Tristan's book of law. It's the only way I can be sure I won't break another one of his stupid rules and probably end up like Luna Lucia. The maid nodded. "I figured. I followed your scent, and it led me here. If you would come with me, Luna, I'll lead you back to your room." The maid, whose name I still don't know, said kindly, and I sighed in relief before nodding and following after her. The maid left as soon as I got back into the room, and my eyes immediately landed on the large tray full of different varieties of food. My eyes widened as I noticed the amount of food that was brought in just for me, all looking quite rich and delicious. 'Do I smell steak?' Nova asked in my head, and I nodded silently, still too stunned to put together any words. I can't even remember the last time I had any kind of meat, which is normally very odd for a werewolf. Back in my former pack, I was lucky if I even got enough bread, and the occasional vegetables I got from the pack's leftover meals. Right here in front of me though, this was a buffet. My stomach growled from the sight and aroma of the food, reminding me I haven't had anything to eat in a while. Goodness, I'm literally starving. But I can't right now. I have to find that missing page before it actually gets lost. My life literally depends on it. 'You're going back there? You're going to get us killed, Thalia.' Nova whispered worriedly in my head, and I hesitated for a moment, considering her warnings. Truth of the matter is that I've gotten in enough trouble with Alpha Tristan for one day. But then if I don't find that paper, I'll be getting in a lot more. "We're going to get killed even faster if we happen to break another one of his rules, Nova. Getting that missing page is the only way to ensure that doesn't happen." I told Nova as I slowly crept open my door, checking to see if there was anyone around before sneaking out of the room and in the direction of Alpha Tristan's. 'How do you intend to get in there without being seen?' Nova asked in concern, and I shook my head. To be honest, I don't know. I didn't stop to think that part through before coming here. 'If you get in anymore trouble with him, you're on your own, Thalia. I won't help heal you this time.' Nova threatened, and I frowned in confusion. What does she mean, Alpha Tristan didn't... My eyes darted to my arm, immediately widening when they fell on angry purple bruises. They were no doubt from when Alpha Tristan grabbed me earlier. Why am I only starting to feel the pain now? 'If you think that's bad, you should see your neck.' Nova said, and my eyes widened even more as my fingers flew up to touch my neck, wincing in pain when my nail came in contact with a sore and tender spot. "How did this happen? He didn't even grab me that hard." I complained, and Nova scoffed. ' Yes, he did. You were just too busy staring at his shirtless form and getting lost in his eyes to notice.' Nova teased as I neared the door, and I immediately looked down in shame. I can't believe I stood there and let him hurt me like this. I mean, it's not like there's anything I could have done to stop him, his arms alone are each bigger than my entire head. But Nova is right. I shouldn't be admiring him; I shouldn't even be looking at him. He's a murderer for crying out loud, one who was heartless enough to kill his own mate. "We'll just wait out here and hope he..." I started and froze when I heard the sound of something shattering, followed by the angry voice of Alpha Tristan as he spoke to someone. "Find me someone who can safely restore a portrait without damaging the real photo." I frowned, and curiosity got the best of me as I went closer to the door, peeking through the little space that was left open from when I left earlier. Alpha Tristan stood with a phone to his ear and something clutched tightly in his left hand as he spoke to whoever was on the other side of the phone. "That's of no concern to you; just do as I say. You have twenty-four hours." Alpha Tristan said coldly before hanging up, and I couldn't help but feel for whoever that was. I watched as Alpha Tristan ran a hand through his hair before squatting down on the floor. My frown deepened as I noticed the broken pieces of Luna Lucia's portrait still lying on the floor. Why hasn't that been cleaned up yet? It's been over an hour. I watched as Alpha Tristan grabbed the larger piece of the portrait in his hand, the one that had Luna Lucia's face on it, and my breath caught in my throat when he gently touched her face with his fingers. That was when I finally saw what he held in his left hand. Tube glue. Was he trying to glue the broken portrait back together? What the hell? 'What is he doing?' Nova asked, but I ignored her and shifted to get a better view. I watched as Alpha Tristan gathered up every piece of the broken portrait and placed them safely on the table before leaving for the bathroom. I stood there silently, trying to make sense of what just happened when a piece of paper caught my eye halfway under his bed, causing me to snap out of my shock and slowly push open the door, stepping in. I hurried out as soon as I got the missing page, but my mind still wandered the entire time as I walked the hallway to my room. Why murder your own mate and then continue to hang onto a mere portrait of hers? Why disrespect his mate's memory this way? 'I don't think he meant it that way, Thalia.' Nova's voice sounded in my head, causing me to frown in confusion.' "What?" 'Did you see the look on his face when he touched the piece with her face on it ? I swear, his face went soft for a split second there.' Nova whispered in her own confusion, and I couldn't help but agree after thinking it through. It was a bit strange actually. Who knows what I've gotten myself into?...
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