2165 Words

THALIA'S POV The place was huge. Way too big for a hotel in this part of the city. But I should have expected it considering men like Tristan Ulric always go for the best, usually something to match their gigantic ego. "You can call the hotel reception and have them bring up something for you to eat, Thalia. You're losing too much weight; you're starting to look unhealthy and I don't like it," Tristan said as we arrived in the room, causing me to frown at his comment. I wasn't sure whether to be thankful for his concern or offended by his careless remarks about my weight and body. "I'm not hungry," I said truthfully because, let's face it, nobody has an appetite in a situation like this, not after what just happened. "I don't care. You need to eat, Thalia; you've been starving yourself

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