1485 Words

THALIA'S POV. 'You see what I'm talking about? What has me worried? I don't remember ever seeing that mark on you before, Thalia. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling it means trouble and a whole lot of it too. Obviously it has already begun.' Nova's panicked voice spoke, causing my eyes to widen. "What do you mean it has already begun? I don't understand, Nova," I asked. 'Those men the other night, I think that's the reason they came after us, Thalia. I mean, clearly, seeing as they took pictures of your naked back.' Nova pointed out, and my eyes widened even further as I instantly caught up. Of course. Of course it is. It's no wonder they hadn't tried to go after anyone else like I had expected. They weren't there for anyone else; they were there for me. Or whatever it was

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