1973 Words

THALIA'S POV. I tiptoed towards the door and grabbed the knob, slowly and carefully twisting it open, only to immediately slam it back shut as soon as my eyes landed on the men outside. This is ridiculous. Seriously, he can't keep doing this! I groaned loudly in a mixture of irritation and frustration as I walked back over to the bed, my face set in a frown and my shoulders slumped in defeat. This can't be happening. He has no right to do this. "Nova?" I whined out loud to my wolf as I felt the frustration of these past three days really start to take effect. "Don't you Nova me, Thalia. Don't you dare. I warned you! I warned you but you wouldn't listen! Instead, you chose to do things your way because you never listened to me! Just so you know, you're on your own!" Nova scolded angril

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