1347 Words

THALIA'S POV. I watched as Tristan tensed visibly, his hands clenching and unclenching as the whole room suddenly became silent, with no one wanting to be the first one to speak after the verbal bomb that I had just dropped. I held my breath, my heart beating faster and faster as I waited for someone to say something, just one word. Anything that could take the attention off of me and what I had just stupidly said due to the fact that I was too angry and hurt to control my tongue. "Hold on, did you say Bianca? As in crazy_screw gone loose_ Bianca? That's the mate Eli was talking about?" Allana asked in obvious shock after what felt like forever, and I let myself release the breath I had been holding for so long. Wait, what? Crazy? Screw gone loose? Why would Allana describe her with wo

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