1172 Words

TRISTAN'S POV. There's absolutely no way she just said what I thought I heard. Or did she? But that's impossible. No one breaks into White Claw, they wouldn't dare. My security is as tight as that of a military camp. That is impossible. "It's true, Tristan, I'm not lying. They were dressed the exact same way as those men from today, all black with ski masks and gloves to match. I don't think they came with the intention of hurting anyone though, I don't even think they bothered to enter into the pack house. I think _ I think they came soley for me as well. Just like today." Thalia said and I considered her words for a moment. "How many?" I asked and she held up three fingers. "Three?" I asked just to confirm and she nodded. "At least that's how many I saw. They could still be more

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