1072 Words

TRISTAN'S POV. "So, just how many days are we looking at? You asked me to pack a bag, and I did, but you still haven't told me how long we're staying," Greene asked a few hours into the drive, and I shrugged. "Not sure yet. It depends on how long it's going to take to get her to cooperate and agree to return with us," I replied, and Greene stayed silent as he watched me with an expression that looked a lot like suspicion. I don't like it. At first, I ignored him, pretending I didn't notice as I kept my eyes fixed on my phone, scrolling through emails and text messages. I assumed he'd quit when he got tired of having his neck stuck in one place, but then minutes passed, and he continued to watch me with the same expression, and I eventually lost my patience. "What, Greene?! Would you s

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