1226 Words

THALIA'S POV. "Why are you doing this? I haven't done anything wrong to you, Eli." I asked Eli, who stood behind me with a dagger held to my back as he forced me to walk. I was right all along. Eli hadn't meant to take me back to pack territory; he had another mission the whole time, one I've been trying to figure out. I've racked my head for any possible reason as to why he would want to do this, but nothing I was able to come up with made sense. When I caught onto Eli's real intentions, I decided I wouldn't do anything to give away the fact that I knew. Instead, I would play along and get him to relax around me. When that happened, I would strike and then make my escape. Nova agreed with my plan, and together, we tried our best to remain calm so Eli wouldn't suspect a thing. I tried

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